February 23, 2025
9:00 – 10:00 meeting for worship (unprogrammed): care of meeting, Lin Butler; Zoom host – Rae Beth C.
10:15 – 11:00 Quaker Worship. Silence is something Quakers share but what we do in the silence may be different for each of us. A panel of Friends will talk about their styles / methods of worship in the silence. How do they enter the state of silence? How do they experience the silence and find that state of worshipfulness? For newcomers and seasoned Friends alike! Offered by the Ministry and Counsel Committee. Zoom host – Kate W-J.
11:15 – 12:15 meeting for worship (semi-programmed): Charles Ossego – speaker; care of meeting, Marilyn Johnson; Zoom host – Kate W-J.
Email office(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)minneapolisfriends.org for the link to Sunday worship and programming.
Those who are suffering from fear, injustice, conflict, discrimination, colonialism, displacement, loss, and the climate crisis, including fire and flood, and all those who are aiding victims and the dispossessed.
Those in positions of power.
Feeling stressed? Discouraged? Fearful? Come to mid-week worship, Wed nights, 7PM: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938257185 (copy and paste into your browser); ID: 849 3825 7185.
Mid-Morning Program next Sunday at 10:15: Friends Committee on National Legislation: Our Meeting’s priorities, involvement, and progress.
Stone Soup Meal NEXT SUNDAY: The Potluck (aka Social) and Welcoming & Outreach Committees are hosting a Stone Soup meal in place of the usual first Sunday potluck. Friends are invited to bring ingredients, already prepped, (cooked or canned, and cut up in bite size pieces,) to put in a pot. One pot of soup will have meat (if it is contributed) and one pot will be vegan, dairy free, and gluten free. This simple meal is meant to bring more awareness of Right Sharing of World Resources (RSWR). RSWR gives micro loans to women in India, Kenya, Sierra Leone, and Guatemala. More information about RSWR will be available on March 2.
The Peace and Social Concerns Committee will meet tomorrow night, Feb 24, 7PM via Zoom. If you are interested in Minneapolis Meeting’s peace and justice focus and witness, you are warmly welcome to come: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89914391038?pwd=WE1JOE9VdmpHWWJlSlVEMkFvSUprZz09 (copy and paste into your browser); ID: 899 1439 1038; Passcode: 455959.
Northern Yearly Meeting Middle School Friends will retreat at Milwaukee Friends Meeting March 14-16! Come explore Milwaukee and delve into Quaker testimonies together. How does our faith translate to action? How do we live our principles? These are the questions we will ponder while also having an absolutely great time exploring the meetinghouse and surrounding areas, playing games and seeking deeper relationships with one another! Sign-up through google at this link or email office(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)minneapolisfriends.org to be put in touch with the coordinator.
Monthly Meeting approved co-sponsoring a MN visit by Sarah Augustine, leader of the international movement for Indigenous justice, and Director and co-founder of the Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery Coalition. Sarah Augustine will be offering “Embodying Solidarity with Indigenous People By Becoming Kin – A Conversation with Sarah Augustine” at United Theological Seminary Friday night, April 4th. Doors open at 6:15PM, the program runs from 7-8PM. MFM joins with the MN Repair Communities, (white allies to Makoce Ikikcupi,) the local Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery, and a variety of local churches in sponsoring this visit. Save the date – Minneapolis Meeting Friends are encouraged to attend.
Minneapolis Meeting Friends are invited to Mayim Rabim’s Game Night – Sat, March 1, 7-9PM. Bring board games, card games, dice games, drawing games, games of skill and games of chance – any and all are welcome! Light refreshments and friendly competition provided.
Contributions update: Thank you, Friends, for your generous financial support! As of Jan. 31, contributions of $7,892 are needed in February and in March to meet the curtailed budget ($132,335). Contributions of $16,885 are needed in Feb and in March to meet the aspirational budget ($150,320). Checks/cash and expected EFTs ($840) in Feb so far total $5495.00. If you would like to set up automatic contributions to the Meeting, contact Mike F. or Carolyn V, co-clerks, Stewardship and Finance Committee.
Come to thirty minutes of Lectio Divina, Divine Reading, followed by worship sharing on ZOOM, Tuesdays at noon. Hold a very brief reading from the Bible, Quaker, or other spiritual text to see how it might speak to us today: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82172920370?pwd=4v3zY9LtA79jzf5tGg24BDXb28Clkd.1 (copy and paste into your browser); ID: 821 7292 0370; passcode: 661188
The Watson Reading Group will meet on Tues, Feb 25th, and every fourth Tues of the month, 7-8:30PM via Zoom. We are taking turns reading aloud from Krista Tippet’s Becoming Wise with time for discussion. Most participants have a copy of the book available to them, but it is not mandatory. If you have interest in joining, please let John D. know.
Join the monthly Conflict Soiree, meeting on Zoom, Tues, Feb 25th, and every last Tues, at 3:30PM. This is an ongoing group, meeting the last Tues afternoon of the month. Drop-in’s are always welcome! We explore conflict and difference in our individual lives and in the meeting. We propose that becoming more skillful and comfortable with difference might cause us to be more authentic peacemakers everywhere we go. Contact Nettie S. for a Zoom link. Questions, ask John S, Kate W-J, or Nettie.
Citizen George, a just-released, feature-length film that uses the drama of George Lakey’s life and witness to show the impact of one Quaker’s dedication to peace and social change, is available to stream, free, Feb 22-28. Come for an inspiring hour with George, himself, and hear about his remarkable experiences on Feb 27, 10AM(CT). Register to watch the film and/or join the discussion through zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/_1opU7XcRZSvM0oOKfPJNQ#/registration
Plan now to take part in People Camp next August 10-16! The theme: How We WIN! Non-violent, direct action campaign planning. Author and activist, George Lakey, will be at camp to share his experiences as we investigate non-violent, direct-action campaigns and how to apply them to the work for today. For more, see https://www.fnvw.org/peoplecamp
Interested in nurturing the broader community and exploring ways to deepen Quakerism at the Friends School of Minnesota? The Quaker Life Committee at the Friends School of Minnesota is looking for additional members. If you’re interested, email office(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)minneapolisfriends.org to be put in touch with the Quaker Life Committee co-chairs.
The Middle East
* Bernie Sanders just introduced a Resolution of Disapproval for the administration’s proposed 8 billion dollars in additional military funding for Israel. Tina Smith supported this Resolution of Disapproval last time it was introduced. Contact your Congresspeople and urge them to support this Resolution of Disapproval.
* join Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) in urging Congress to stop famine in Gaza by supporting the UNRWA Funding Emergency Restoration Act when it is reintroduced . More at https://fcnl.quorum.us/
* join AFSC every Friday at 11AM for an Action Hour for Palestine.
* worship with attention to peace in Palestine and Israel with Friends across the U.S. every Thurs, online, at 4:30PM. Sign up to get the link at https://afsc.org/events/meeting-worship-attention-peace-palestine-israel
* See the Oscar-nominated No Other Land showing daily through Thurs at The Main Cinema: https://mspfilm.org/show/no-other-land-2/ No Other Land is the result of an unlikely alliance between a Palestinian activist and Israeli journalist.
Friends for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Concerns hosts a monthly online worship on first Saturdays, at 4PM(CT) and a monthly online worship sharing on fourth Saturdays, 4PM(CT). In addition, there is a Listening Line (listening support to queer Friends) from 4-11PM(PDT) every Saturday. Email clerks(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)flgbtqc.org for more.
If you missed the Toward Right Relationships with Native Peoples (TRRIP) webinar, “Silent No More: The Two Spirit Journey,” you can watch it, via you tube, here.
Quaker Voluntary Service programs’ application deadline is March 1st!
New Summer Program in Philadelphia (18-20 year olds) – more at
Fellowship Program (21-30 year olds) in Boston, Portland, Minneapolis, and Philadelphia – more at https://quakervoluntaryservice.org/about-us/
Rise and Repair Communities including Makoce Ikikcupi (supported by the MN Repair Communities) are working to protect Minnesota’s wild rice and water. Send a letter to your legislators asking them to protect wild rice, an important environmental treasure and vital Indigenous entity, by supporting SF1247 and its companion bill: https://riseandrepair.org/protectwildrice#/54/
There is a new bill that would strip the Boundary Waters of crucial protections in order to open the Superior National Forest to copper-sulfide mining. Attend this important public hearing at the State Capitol, Mon, Feb 24, 10:15-11:45, MN Senate Building, Rm 2308, 95 University Ave W, Saint Paul. Can’t attend and want to make your voice heard? Contact your representatives: Click here to find their contact information. More about the 24th at https://www.friends-bwca.org/event/a-hearing-on-the-boundary-waters/
The Joint Religious and Legislative Coalition will have its Day on the Hill Feb. 27, 8AM-3PM. The focus this year is advocating for women, children and families living in poverty. The morning session will be held at Central Presbyterian Church in Saint Paul followed by a rally in the Capitol rotunda. To register and for more, see https://www.jrlc.org/day_on_the_hill_2025
Valerie Kaur, author of See No Stranger, will be featured at a Symposium, Revolutionary Love is the Call of Our Times, Feb 27th, 11AM in Hoversten Chapel, Augsburg College, Mpls. The keynote address is free; reg. needed.
Join the 24-hour Economic Black-Out, midnight, Feb 27 through midnight, Feb 28! Plan ahead to refrain for making any purchases, in shops, or online – nowhere! No gas or food purchases – nothing! Use your economic voice to let the current administration know you are paying attention and will hold it accountable in following the law and honoring the rights of individuals.
The Meeting Coordinator will be in the office Wed and Fri afternoons. Bulletin deadline, noon Thur. Bulletin items can be phoned in to the office (612-926-6159) or emailed (office(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)minneapolisfriends.org).
The Children and Families Coordinator can be reached: Mon and Wed, 2:30-5PM; Thurs, 3:30-5PM; Sun, 9AM-2PM at the meetinghouse.