All of the people featured in these videos are from Minneapolis Friends Meeting.
Note: All of these videos are closed-captioned. If you have trouble hearing, or need to watch the videos with the sound turned down, turn on captions by clicking the
icon in the controls at the bottom of the video after starting the video playing.
People from Minneapolis Friends Meeting describe what drew them to Quakerism
People from Minneapolis Friends Meeting discuss the Quaker concept of “that of God in every person”
Quaker Meeting for Worship, Part 1: Listening
Quaker Meeting for Worship, Part 2: Speaking
Description of semi-programmed and unprogrammed meetings for worship at Minneapolis Friends Meeting, and a brief history of how Quaker worship at Minneapolis Friends Meeting has evolved since the early 1950s, as told by long-time member Barbara Coffin.
Jonathan and Amy talk about their first experience at Minneapolis Friends Meeting,
and what learning about Quaker values has meant to them and to their daughter.
George Watson, a Friend for over 70 years and a member of Minneapolis Friends Meeting
for the last 20 years of his life, discusses the Quaker peace testimony, equality testimony,
and diverse theological beliefs.
Longer version of the George Watson interview, with more of his personal story.
Dick Magraw: Life as a Quaker
See a transcript of the Dick Magraw interview
See more videos at QuakerSpeak
QuakerSpeak is a project of Friends General Conference, Friends Journal, and Quaker Voluntary Service.