The Meeting Office

Carolyn VandenDolder, Interim Meeting Coordinator

Carolyn VandenDolder, Meeting Coordinator

The Meeting Coordinator is usually in the office Wednesday – Friday, 1 – 4 PM. The office phone number is 612-926-6159. Please leave a message if no one answers.

Job Description:

The Meeting coordinator is at the center of daily activities and incoming information at the Meetinghouse.

Reports to Liaison and Review Committee (L and R). L and R provides supervision and support for the Meeting Coordinator. It is also important to maintain positive relationships with members and attenders of the Meeting.

1. Gathers incoming information through phone calls and messages, mail, e-mails and visitors.
2. Answers inquiries and makes referrals to appropriate individuals and committees.
3. Maintains information centers, i.e. bulletin boards.
4. Writes and distributes weekly bulletin.
5. Maintains regular communication with the Clerk and Assistant Clerk of the Meeting.

1. Open and closes meetinghouse on Sundays. Finds volunteers when away from the Twin Cities.
2. Supports preparation for semi-programmed meeting for worship.
3. Coordinates service visits/operational repairs with Property Committee. Communicates with Property Committee building maintenance needs.
4. Schedules rental and outside use of the meetinghouse according to the guidelines of the Trustees.
5. Facilitates direction of custodian.

1. Pays non-payroll bills, provides reimbursements to individuals and contractors, and tracks committee reimbursements.
2. Maintains membership records.
3. Serves as liaison between Meeting Trustees and Mayim Rabin.
4. Develops and maintains office systems, files, mailing list, and key system.

Other activities as agreed upon with Liaison and Review.