The Meeting provides a nursery for young children on Sunday mornings. The nursery is located on the lower level, on the southwest side of the building. Baby care and unstructured toddler play are the norm. Children three and under are cared for by a nursery staff person and a volunteer. At times of low nursery population (early unprogrammed worship and summer), children through age six may be accommodated. A Nursery Committee hires and supervises the Nursery staff person and maintains a list of volunteers who work with the staff person so that two adults will be present with the children.
First Day School for Children
The Meeting provides religious education classes for children preschool through high school. Classes meet on Sunday mornings during the school year, simultaneously with semi-programmed worship. Children in elementary grades and preschool sit with their parents in the main meetingroom for the beginning of worship, then go to their classrooms after the first hymn. Junior and senior high youth usually go directly to their own classrooms. Age groupings and classroom assignments vary from year to year depending on enrollment, so please inquire.
The curriculum focuses on Quaker values, Quaker history, and Bible stories. The First Day School program is planned by the Religious Education Committee which has representatives who work with each of the age groups.
Youth Program
A youth program for junior and senior highs provides additional opportunities outside of First Day School for young people from the Meeting to see one another, have fun, participate in service projects and connect to wider Quaker activities, such as Northern Yearly Meeting weekend retreats. The Youth Programs are planned and overseen by the Youth Committee, composed of adults who work in consultation with the youth in the Meeting.
Service Projects
Youth and adults from the Meeting often work together on service projects to help with worthy causes.