Meeting for Worship with attention to business opened with a period of silent worship and a reading of the Land Acknowledgement.
1. Approval of Minutes of January 12, 2025
The draft January 12, 2025, Monthly Meeting minutes were circulated in advance of meeting for business.
January 12, 2025, minutes were approved.
2. Approval of Agenda
The Clerk presented the proposed agenda, which was approved.
3. Peace and Social Concerns
A statement on peace in Israel and Palestine was presented. The version was approved by Peace and Social Concerns. The committee is bringing this to monthly meeting for approval from the whole meeting.
The clerk encouraged the meeting to see if it can unite with the sentiment rather than work on small edits of wording.
A meeting member rose to speak about this statement and personal integrity. He reflected on the impact of an aspiration statement in light of the policy stances of candidates for whom he has voted. What does a statement of the meeting mean for personal action of the meeting’s members?
Another member reflected that they had felt let down by the Meeting when it was not able to make statements on issues important to him and other members. He spoke in support of the meeting adopting this statement and sending the message to the broader community.
A change was suggested to include Israelis as well as Palestinians of those who need a sense of agency. While the Israeli Government has a strong sense of agency, many Israeli citizens who disagree with their government have a sense that they have little influence over the government’s policies.
The following statement was approved.
Minneapolis Friends Meeting asks for peace in Israel and Palestine. Our Quaker gathering has pursued peace and alternatives to wars since our beginning in the 1850s. We believe in the sacred worth of each being.
We condemn all violent attacks and inhumane treatment of civilians in conflict. We pray for the continued release of Israeli hostages.
We are heartbroken because our government, with our tax payments, funds a war that has destroyed most of the housing and infrastructure in Gaza, and has killed tens of thousands of men, women, and children. The war leaves millions without adequate food, water, shelter, hygiene and medical care for trauma and disease. Those trapped in Gaza live in fear of attack at any time anywhere. Our hearts break to learn that a generation of children expects to die.
The current fighting does nothing to address the causes of the conflict and will not resolve anything.
We ask that our government stop supplying funding and weapons to Israel, and to any government that has provided weapons to other combatants in this war.
We ask that our government not only support humanitarian aid to Gaza, but also demand that aid reaches those in need.
We ask that our leaders state their vision for achieving peace in Israel/Palestine now. To endure, peace must result in freedom and agency for the Palestinian people and those Israelis who support peace and oppose their government’s current policies regarding Gaza. We ask that our government support rules-based international order as defined through diplomacy, including through the United Nations.
We are called to act in faith and love, with persistence, patience, and courage. We ask our leaders to join us in working and praying for lasting peace.
Statement on Quaker lawsuit
The Clerk again asked if the meeting could unite in the spirit of this statement. It originated with the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. This version was seasoned and adopted by the Northern Yearly Meeting.
Peace and Social Concerns recommended that the Monthly Meeting approve this.
The following statement was read to the meeting.
Minneapolis Friends meeting unites with Northern Yearly Meeting ‘s support for the efforts of several Quaker Meetings across the nation who have brought suit against the Department of Homeland Security’s decision to rescind the long-standing practice of not invading houses of worship to apprehend individuals without legal documentation. This unnecessary change to the nation’s fundamental and constitutionally established protections of religious freedom means that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents and other enforcement officers may now enter meetings, churches, and other worship gatherings at any time they might choose. Creating conditions that intimidate or prevent Friends—and all people—from gathering with members of their faith communities to share in worship together is a fundamental violation of the freedoms of religion and association guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Like our fellow Quakers, we remain committed to religious liberty and peace and support the use of the legal process to ensure that participants in all faith communities are free to gather and worship together without fear of intimidation, threats, and violence.
While the lawsuit focuses on houses of worship, we also express opposition to ICE
officers entering schools and hospitals. The threat of these actions will keep children from pursuing their education and all who are ill from receiving needed care. Communities are all poorer if everyone is not well-educated and healthy. And most importantly, Quakers believe that every individual, regardless of identity, national affiliation or circumstances is deserving of dignity, respect, and basic human rights.
Finally, we reject the lies underlying these actions that immigrants, whether here legally or undocumented, are a threat to us as individuals or as a society. Immigrants, including undocumented immigrants, are significantly less likely than native-born Americans to be incarcerated in prisons, convicted of crimes, or arrested. Immigrants, as has always been the case, bring diversity, talents and relationships that enrich our communities as neighbors, as co-workers, and as friends. We recognize what our Quaker Washington lobby, Friends Committee on National Legislation, reminds us: Love Thy Neighbor: No Exceptions.
The Meeting approved uniting with this minute.
Program on Land Recovery and Doctrine of Discovery – Consideration of Co-sponsorship
Peace and Social Concerns approved being a co-sponsor of a series of events offered by Sarah Augustine, a Pueblo (Tewa) descendant and co- founder and Executive Director of the Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery, to be held in April.
There are 6 “repair communities” – groups of white allies of native people in Minnesota – which support the Makoce Ikikcupi villages. The Makoce Ikikcupi project seeks to bring some Dakota relatives home, re-establish spiritual and physical relationship with its homeland, and ensure the ongoing existence of the Dakota People. The villages will practice Dakota culture so that the Dakota diaspora may reconnect with their culture.
The six Repair Communities are partnering with the Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery to bring Sarah Augustine to MN. She will speak on “Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery” Friday night, April 4th at United Theological Seminary in St. Paul. The talk hopes to move passive allies into becoming active allies. On Saturday, April 5th, she will offer a workshop on taking meaningful action in support of Native rights and sovereignty at Unity Universalist Church in St. Paul.
Two Meeting members are participating in the planning for the April events.
Sponsorship does entail financial commitment. This will be met by the two meeting members involved in the planning. They are also seeking commitment from others in the meeting to participate in the April 4 and 5 events.
The Meeting approved endorsement of the event.
Responding to the general current conditions
A Meeting member reflected on the new presidential administration’s shock and awe approach to change. Many are wondering how to respond or what actions to take under these conditions. She offered to have a conversation with Peace and Social Concerns about how the meeting can navigate these changes, while still holding onto and advancing our faith’s values and beliefs.
This discussion was referred to the Peace and Social Concerns committee. The clerk reflected that the meeting might hold a special meeting for business, threshing session, worship sharing or gathering for Friends to discern our responses to these concerns.
4. Stewardship and Finance Report
Third Quarter Report
An updated Stewardship and Finance Report was presented. This included total contributions for the Winter Gift as well as a report of donations and other income through the third quarter.
Looking into the Fourth Quarter
The meeting was reminded of the total expenses for the curtailed budget and the Meeting’s projected actual expenses for the fiscal year.
The reporter shared information on the income needed to meet the Meeting’s projected actual expenses plus and make the contributions indicated in our aspirational budget.
If we meet our curtailed budgeted income goal– the Meeting would have sufficient income to fund the outside organizations given lower than budgeted actual expenses.
There was a question about the Meeting’s general fund bank balance. The committee shared that this stood above the amount that we need in reserves.
A question was raised if this report indicated that the meeting will continue to support outside organizations. Friends were reminded that this depends on the fourth quarter contributions.
Working Budget 2025-26
A budget worksheet that will inform Stewardship and Finance’s draft budget was shared.
Two versions of a working budget total for 2025-26 – one with no contributions to outside groups and one with an additional 10% in giving – were shared.
A pie chart visual indicated that most of the Meeting’s budget goes to salary. The next largest amount is dedicated to plant operations. Meeting programming costs are not large.
Stewardship and Finance committee is going to propose a clerk’s discretionary fund for special events rather than allocating money to specific committees.
The committee is considering these questions as it develops the draft 2025/26 budget:
- Can the level of generous giving be maintained and sustained? Or should we reduce our estimated contributions? This is hard for the committee to guess.
- Please contact the stewardship and finance committee if you can share information about your personal plans for contributions in the coming year.
The clerk thanked Stewardship and Finance members for their hard work. And Meeting members were affirmed for their generous giving. This has been a year when we have had to take a hard look at our finances, and we have risen to the challenge.
6. Nominating Committee Report
Nominating committee is prepared to present a full report next month with nominations for the various Meeting committees and positions.
Our social committee needs volunteers. If we truly enjoy and love our potluck Sundays, that committee needs sufficient members. The nominating committee would appreciate volunteers to help support the work of that committee.
The other two committees that nominating committee needs support finding members for are stewardship and finance and the technology committee.
A member asked about seeing a draft slate in advance. It is important to see the possible slate before the next monthly meeting to support our collective decision making. This can be sent out well in advance of monthly meeting – as an attachment to an upcoming bulletin.
7. Ministry and Counsel Report
The Ministry and Counsel Committee of Minneapolis Friends Meeting provides care, nurture and support of the Meeting as a whole including the meetings for worship and the spiritual well-being of the Meeting community.
Approval of an Application for Membership
In September of 2024, a Clearness committee was held for someone seeking membership. The committee approved recommending membership for this individual, but there is no record that this was brought to Monthly Meeting.
The Meeting enthusiastically approved the individual for membership.
Intent to provide more opportunities for Quaker Education.
Recently, there has been an increase in new attenders. Ministry and Counsel feels that providing more Quaker education may be helpful both for new and seasoned members/attenders. To this end, Ministry and Counsel will be presenting a series of mid-morning programs.
They are scheduled for Feb. 23, March 31, and April 20. Topics include Quaker worship on March 23; Quaker Faith on March 31, and Quaker practice on April 20.
The Ministry and Counsel Committee approached the Experiment with Light group to see if they could offer an all-meeting meditation on the nation. The Experience with Light folks would like to do this. It is important to discern individually and corporately – so much is coming at us we cannot do everything that is our way of contributing to the betterment of society.
8. Holiday Fair Report
The report was postponed until March.
The Meeting is being asked by FNVW if it would be willing to host some kind of event in early December of 2025. They are hoping that by next month we could give them an answer.
The exact format is yet to be determined and they may not choose to use the meeting house but want to know if it is an option.
9. Correspondence
The clerk read a letter from the Meeting’s current meeting coordinator giving notice of her intention to resign from her position as Meeting coordinator as of June 30, 2025. She expressed a willingness to help with training and support for a new person through the end of September.
Liaison and Review committee has begun planning for filling this position. Currently they are reviewing the position description. This will be presented at monthly meeting in March. The hiring process will also be shared.
Please let Liaison and Review know of anyone who might be interested in this position.
The Clerk expressed thanks for the contributions that the meeting coordinator has made to the Meeting during her tenure.