Minutes of Monthly Meeting for Business
December 8, 2024
[Names and some information edited for posting on the web]
In Attendance: Stephen S. – presiding clerk, Tom W. – recording clerk, plus 34 attenders in-person and 17 on Zoom
- Silent worship
- Land Acknowledgement was read
- Agenda was Approved
- November 10, 2024 Minutes were Approved
- Ministry and Counsel Report (M&C)- Lolly L. Winona Preparative Meeting, which has been meeting for many years under the care of Minneapolis Friends Meeting (MFM), is exploring becoming a Monthly Meeting and is asking MFM for help with their discernment. They invite us to participate with them in person, or remotely, on one or more of three Sundays they have set aside to dive deeply into this process – January 26, February 23, or March 23. This request has been brought to us in a letter from their Presiding Clerk, Dan W.. Stephen S. remarked that Winona could have made their request directly to Northern Yearly Meeting (NYM), who is responsible for granting monthly meeting status, or they could come to us and we would forward a recommendation to NYM on their behalf. They have chosen our Meeting to assist them moving forward. Friends APPROVED setting up a clearness committee to work with Winona Preparatory Meeting. Presiding Clerk suggested that we would want to meet at least once with Winona Friends face-to-face. M&C proposed that Stephen S., Mary S. and Mary B. serve on the clearness committee. The Clerk asked if there were other volunteers and John K. expressed interest.
- The second item of business. M&C and Care & Counsel (C&C) are asking Meeting to consider amending the requirement that membership on their committees be available only to those who are members of Meeting. Both committees have significant workloads, feel overloaded, and could use more assistance. C&C recently lost two of their members. To their surprise, Nominating informed them that some of the excellent candidates they wanted to be considered for appointment are not formal members, even though they may have been long-time attenders with a lot of Quaker experience and have actively contributed to the life of Meeting. As demands on their committees keep increasing, they question the wisdom of limiting appointments to serve on M&C and C&C to members only. They would like Meeting to consider modifying the membership restriction to allow appointments of experienced attenders.
- Discussion: There was considerable discussion, and lack of unity, on the proposal, and Clerk recommended the proposal be referred back to M&C for further discernment. Some of the points raised in the discussion: There was recognition of the need for change and many supported the request, but there was also support for ensuring that the clerks of both committees would be members. There were requests for better definition of what constitutes being “experienced” when it comes to evaluating the suitability of an attender serving on these committees. What boundaries should be in place? Concern was expressed, specifically, about the role of membership versus attender status regarding confidentiality, since these committees must maintain a high level of confidentiality when assisting in sensitive personal issues. By restricting committee participation to members only, Meeting uses the membership clearness process to help establish the commitment, integrity and grounding in Quaker principles of individuals applying for membership. Since this is a firmly established Quaker process, there would need to be some process for attenders to go through before serving in this capacity. One Friend thought a minimum qualification might be two years of regular attendance and service on one committee. Another questioned why long-time attenders have not made the effort to join Meeting and suggested it would be odd for Meeting to appoint such individuals to a significant position in Meeting life when they have not committed to becoming a member. Others defended Nominating’s deliberations when seeking and vetting potential committee candidates and the seriousness with which they pursue their mission. They would not put an inexperienced, “new comer” into a significant position, and Meeting should trust in their process. Clerk of M&C said it is good to inquire why someone hasn’t joined Meeting, but there are many reasons why some people delay seeking membership and, in some cases, it is not a lack of commitment to Meeting. M&C uses six elements to explore an individual’s commitment to Quaker practice when they are requesting membership and they feel having this structure is important in determining clearness for membership. She agreed the proposal should go back to M&C, C&C and Nominating for further discernment.
- The second item of business. M&C and Care & Counsel (C&C) are asking Meeting to consider amending the requirement that membership on their committees be available only to those who are members of Meeting. Both committees have significant workloads, feel overloaded, and could use more assistance. C&C recently lost two of their members. To their surprise, Nominating informed them that some of the excellent candidates they wanted to be considered for appointment are not formal members, even though they may have been long-time attenders with a lot of Quaker experience and have actively contributed to the life of Meeting. As demands on their committees keep increasing, they question the wisdom of limiting appointments to serve on M&C and C&C to members only. They would like Meeting to consider modifying the membership restriction to allow appointments of experienced attenders.
- Nominating Committee Report—Bill H. Care and Counsel has requested replacements for two vacancies on their committee – one is no longer a member and Connie A. has asked to step down. Special thanks goes to Connie for her service and dedication to the committee and to the life of the Meeting. Jules Howard, a member, has agreed to serve on C&C subject to Meeting’s approval. Friends APPROVED having Jules H. serve on Care and Counsel Committee. Bill announced that Nominating has started the process for 2025 committee assignments and will be contacting committee clerks and members. Please answer any calls and emails coming from Nominating regarding committee assignments.
- Ad Hoc History Project—Linda C. Linda has been working on a history of Minneapolis Friends Meeting for 20 years. She has enjoyed doing the research but has had trouble completing a manuscript. She is happy to announce that she is now working with Francie K., an editor at Boston University. Francie is not a Quaker, but she is very knowledgeable and catches things a non-Quaker would want to see. She believes the story has a wider reach than just our Meeting and thinks this is a much bigger project. Linda took a break when her sister, Sandy, died, but she is now re-engaged and is very hopeful and excited about the progress they are making. Francie has worked through the entire document and provided lots of comments on how to broaden the appeal to a wider audience. Previously, we decided MFM would be the owner of the copyright, not Linda.
- Discussion: Do we have a publisher? The plan is to have MFM self-publish, using an independent publishing company. Linda has used Bookmobile in St Louis Park, in the past. They have connections with Ingram and other marketing companies who are registered with Amazon and other digital outlets. Independent publishing is really taking off while the bigger publishers have been struggling. It may be possible to turn this into a Kindle or E-book. Friend asked if there would be an opportunity to view the document before publishing, mostly to see if there is something missing. Linda commented that she had not thought about doing that. Editing by committee does make her nervous, but she will consider the request. Presiding clerk and many Friends express gratitude and thanks to Linda for her devotion to making our Meeting’s history come alive for us. This will strengthen our Meeting while establishing broader connections in our community.
- Draft Proposal to Create an Ad Hoc Long Range Fundraising Committee – Presiding Clerk
- Create an Ad Hoc Long Range Fundraising Committee charged with developing a fundraising plan to support the ongoing work of the Meeting. (Persons agreeing to serve on such a committee include Roland Barrett, Gayle Dreon, Pat Jones, Doug Herron and John Stuart.)
- Elements of the plan might include:
- Drafting a fundraising document and setting up a team to visit with individual members and attenders regarding the work of the Meeting and its financial needs.
- Inviting matching gifts.
- Developing a web page for the Meeting website with information on how to donate to Meeting including a “Donate” link enabling individuals to make contributions via the web page.
- Organizing community building fundraising events for specific projects with participation by youth and adults.
- Encouraging and assisting individuals to set up estate plans that include financial support for Meeting.
- Soliciting informal pledges from members and attenders.
- There was wide-ranging discussion: Friend asked what this proposed committee would do that is not being done, already, by other committees. Clerk responded that this work is not being done at the moment … Friend commented that the proposal reflects the guts of how to raise money but does not include enough on the long-range budget needs of Meeting or of other ways Friends can give to Meeting. What happens if we fail to raise the funds? … Another Friend has misgivings about someone knocking on their door and asking about his finances and what he can contribute. Nominating has a special role in this matter and it is already hard to find committee members for all our committees. Everyone needs more members. Can we put these needs back on existing committees? … John Stuart shared that he volunteered to serve on the proposed committee because he is distressed that our ability to give to Friends Committee for National Legislation, American Friends Service Committee, and other organizations is being questioned – being made part of our “aspirational” budget. If that is really the case – that they have become aspirational – then it is time to ask Meeting, directly, to give more. This ad hoc group is a response to us having to say every year that we are running out of money … Having a fund-raising committee just seems wrong. The focus needs to be on long range sustainability … The focus on long-range stability of Meeting does require a focus that is over and above anything Nominating or the Trustees can do on their own. The proposal is for an ad hoc committee to come up with plans and goals, but not a long-standing committee. The goal is to give responsibility back to our on-going committees … Friend remarked that when MFM had decided to do a significant remodeling of the meeting house some years ago and had to raise substantial funds, MFM raised $800K. The proposed members of the ad hoc committee seem well suited to take this on, while the existing committees do not have the expertise. We should adopt the plan … Friend agrees, but questions the absence of one key element – we keep going back to the same well, over and over. What are we doing to expand our out-reach to bring in more people to Meeting? This does not appear to be part of the proposal … Clerk – not sure this should be part of the charge to the ad hoc committee. He has done a lot of research into what are the needs in the community and how we can match our needs to those of the community. This seems to be beyond the role of the ad hoc committee. Welcoming and Outreach Committee already does some of this … Friend suggested we could update out handout as a way to introduce people to Meeting … Clerk asked if Friends could approve moving forward with the proposal to create an Ad Hoc Long Range Fundraising Committee. Friends APPROVED.
- AFSC’s Vision for Peace in Palestine and Israel—Deborah J. (Peace and Social Concerns Committee) [The on-line document is quite long. The shorter action pages are in the Attachments to the minutes.] Here is the link for the full document – copy and paste in your internet browser:
- https://afsc.org/newsroom/different-future-possible-quaker-organizations-share-vision-peace-palestine-and-israel
- MFM is being asked to sign onto the document. However, most Friends have not had a chance to read it, yet, and there was general agreement that we should wait a month so more people can read it. Jim H. said Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) is actively promoting this effort. FCNL and Friends House are sponsoring a seminar on 1/17/2025 discussing it. It is important for us to connect to other faith communities in recognizing and supporting efforts to end the fighting in Palestine and Gaza, and we should support Amy K. in this area. Friends are encouraged to support the Winter Gift this year as another way to contribute to the peace effort in the Middle East. Presiding Clerk suggests we send comments to Deborah J. before next business meeting so she can prepare for the discussion. Also, it was noted that the name of Minneapolis Friends Meeting is already included in the on-line list of those endorsing the statement, even though monthly meeting has never endorsed it, officially. Do we ask to have it removed? Or just leave it?
- Correspondence and Announcements—Clerk
- On Nov 17 we received a request to help set up a sanctuary meeting space to support women seeking sanctuary. It is not clear who is bringing this forward, but it comes from Santa Fe Monthly Meeting. It is most likely in connection with abortion rights. Friends would like this to be brought up again for further discussion.
- There was a request for funds to support Quaker Voluntary Service.
- There was a request for financial aid to help build a Quaker meetinghouse and other requests for money from multiple organizations.
- The Friends for a Non-Violent World craft sale is next weekend.
- Closing worship
A different future is possible: Quaker organizations share a vision for peace in Palestine and Israel American Friends Service Committee
- [this is the action part of the online document that was drafted by American Friends Service Committee, Canadian Friends Service Committee, Friends Committee on National Legislation, Friends World Committee for Consultation, Quakers in Britain, Quaker Council on European Affairs, Quaker Peace and Social Witness, Quaker United Nations Office and endorsed by 143 meetings and organizations]
Over the last several years, a growing number of international human rights organizations have recognized Israel’s treatment of Palestinians as meeting the legal definition of apartheid. In the face of this pervasive injustice, Quakers stand firm in our witness, as we have throughout history against racial inequality, South African apartheid, and all forms of war.
Even in this time of violence and pain, we hold the belief that a different future, free from injustice and violence, is possible. Lasting peace and reconciliation will be realized when both past and ongoing injustices are acknowledged and addressed, ensuring freedom, dignity, equal rights, and justice for all people living in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Let us work together to make this vision a reality.
Now is the time for action. As Quakers and as peacemakers we are called to actively live into our testimonies of equality and peace. To this end, we urgently put forward these calls to action:
To the Israeli government:
1. End attacks on Gaza, commit to a permanent ceasefire, withdraw from reoccupied areas of Gaza, and end the Gaza blockade.
2. Cease settler and military violence in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
3. Guarantee uninterrupted, unconditional, swift, and adequate humanitarian access in Gaza and open land crossings.
4. Hold accountable those who have violated the law or committed human rights abuses, including settlers.
5. Release Palestinian political prisoners and hostages and provide fair trials following international standards free from coercion, torture, and abuse.
6. Guarantee the self-determination of Palestinians by ending its occupation of all Palestinian territory and ensure Palestinians and Israelis share equal human, political, and civil rights currently denied under Israeli Occupation.
To Hamas and other armed Palestinian groups:
1. Release Israeli hostages.
2. Commit to and maintain a permanent ceasefire as a long-term, just, and sustainable peace is sought.
3. Hold accountable those who have violated the law or committed human rights abuses.
To Western leaders and the US and UK governments in particular:
1. Urgently press for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza and Israel.
2. End complicity in Israeli human rights violations and exert levers of power with immediate economic and political pressure on the government of Israel, including imposing an arms embargo.
3. Actively work to ensure uninterrupted humanitarian access in Gaza, especially through ground entry points, and commit to funding and protecting UNRWA.
4. Hold accountable those who have violated the law or committed human rights abuses.
5. Uphold international law, demand equal accountability for State and non-state actors, and enforce the ICJ provisions imposed on Israel.
6. Support an end to Israel’s occupation and equal protection and rights for all.
7. Ensure an inclusive political process for peace that incorporates all voices, perspectives, and political factions, especially those marginalized or acting as potential spoilers and those most affected by injustice and violence.
As Friends, we will continue to support the global community of Quakers to:
1. Urgently call and fervently work for a permanent ceasefire and amplify our voices in our communities and at the local, state, and national levels.
2. Encourage decision-makers calling for a ceasefire and working for peace.
3. Organize and participate in teach-ins, actions, and protests until a ceasefire and a just and lasting peace are realized.
4. Actively support an end to Israel’s occupation and equal protection and rights for all people living under Israeli control and commit to actions as meetings/churches until this reality is realized.
5. Divest from corporations profiting from militarism, including the occupation of Palestine.
6. Support those in Israel and Palestine who are working for peace.