Bulletin: March 30, 2025
March 30, 2025
9:00 – 10:00 meeting for worship (unprogrammed): care of meeting, Hanna Borman; Zoom host – Carolyn V.
10:15 – 11:00 Quaker Faith – a panel discussion with Gayle Dreon, Gib Pellet, Carolyn VandenDolder and Kate Wolfe-Jenson. Zoom host – Marilyn J.
11:15 – 12:15 meeting for worship (semi-programmed): Terry Hokenson – speaker; Dave Bostrom – musician; care of meeting, Stephen Snyder; Zoom host – Kate W.-J.
Email office(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)minneapolisfriends.org for the link to Sunday programming.
Those who are suffering from fear, injustice, conflict, discrimination, colonialism, displacement, loss, and the climate crisis, including fire, flood and storm, and all those who are aiding victims and the dispossessed.
Those in positions of power.
The Meeting’s service and fiscal year ends on March 31. Any time is a good time to say thank you to one another for the seen and unseen work and ministry Friends do within and on behalf of the Meeting. For your financial support, your time, your care, and the lending of your gifts to committee work, thank you.
Feeling stressed? Discouraged? Fearful? Come to mid-week worship, Wed nights, 7PM: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938257185; ID: 849 3825 7185.
Mid-Morning Program next Sunday at 10:15: Friends for a NonViolent World as a Quaker Action Group Friends for a NonViolent World is at a crossroads. Area Friends have a golden opportunity to re-invent FNVW to address issues important to Quakers using the nonviolent action campaign model. The rapidly changing and challenging political landscape calls for action. Presenter is PJ Hoffman, longtime FNVW volunteer, member of Twin Cities Meeting, and experienced nonviolent actionist.
Loaves and Fishes, March 31: Join other metro-area Friends, the Ismaili Community and the Mayim Rabim congregation to provide a meal at Holy Rosary Church in S Mpls, 2424 – 18th Ave S. Prepare dinner (2PM); pack up and hand out the meals (4PM) or serve meals and clean up (5:15.) Fruit donations needed. Email Sue K. to sign up for a shift or to arrange to drop off fruit. Volunteers wear hair covering/hats, closed-toe shoes; food is served to-go. Sign up to come if you can!
You are invited to join a new worship opportunity, Sharing the Spirit, open to everyone, every Mon, Wed, and Fri AM on zoom, cameras off. This brief opportunity for worship to before diving into a busy schedule is focused on healing, in a broad sense, gathering at approximately 8:57; ten-minute worship beginning at 9:02. You may attend as the spirit moves you or as your schedule permits: ID: 859 3925 1575; passcode: 251345; https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85939251575?pwd=1aHrNcUclfw3o99kyDnc9nAwzwkYGU.1.
Come to thirty minutes of Lectio Divina, Divine Reading, followed by worship sharing on ZOOM, Tuesdays at noon. Hold a very brief reading from the Bible, Quaker, or other spiritual text to see how it might speak to us today: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82172920370?pwd=4v3zY9LtA79jzf5tGg24BDXb28Clkd.1 ; ID: 821 7292 0370; passcode: 661188
Ministry and Counsel Committee (M&C) asks individuals who feel led to share a prepared message or a reading during semi-programmed worship, to contact Lolly L. or other members of M&C. M&C is also looking for closers for both worships. Serving as a closer is a ministry of service to the meeting.
Minneapolis Meeting is co-sponsoring a visit by Sarah Augustine, leader of the international movement for Indigenous justice, and Director and co-founder of the Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery Coalition. Sarah Augustine will be offering “Embodying Solidarity with Indigenous People By Becoming Kin – A Conversation with Sarah Augustine” at United Theological Seminary, this coming Friday night, April 4th. Doors open at 6:15, the program runs from 7-8PM. MFM joins with the MN Repair Communities (white allies to Makoce Ikikcupi,) the local Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery, and other local churches in sponsoring this visit. Minneapolis Meeting Friends are encouraged to attend. Register at https://www.unitedseminary.edu/events/
Office Manager job posting: Minneapolis Friends Meeting is seeking an Office Manager for 15-20 hours a week, $25 an hour. Hours are flexible. This position requires someone who is comfortable working independently, and has at least intermediate skills working with Microsoft Office Suite. Preferred experience working with volunteers and knowledge of the Quaker faith. The Office Manager serves as a trusted hub for the internal and external communication for the Minneapolis Friends Meeting and its committees. Applications accepted until April 8. Interviewing starts the week of April 21 with the position starting June 1. Job description is on the MFM website. Send cover letters and resume’ to Minneapolis Friends Meeting, office(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)minneapolisfriends.org, Attention Rae Beth Cornelius.
Congratulations to Dave Bostrom who has posted a new collection of songs. You can listen at: https://soundcloud.com/davebostrom/albums. Select the album Everything Happens. If you are prompted to login, you can ignore that.
The Care and Counsel Committee facilitates pastoral care for Minneapolis Meeting members and attenders, understanding the Quaker tradition that Friends minister to each other. If you are dealing with illness, grief, a major transition, or a stressful personal problem, we would like to be there for you. Contact committee co-clerks, John S, or Ellen S.
If a confidential discussion would support you as you make a decision, we will set up a clearness committee with you. Email John S. to explore that opportunity.
Other committee members are Mary G, Jimbo L, and Jeff N.
Contributions update: Thank you, Friends, for your generous financial support! As of Jan. 31, contributions of $7,892 were needed in February and in March to meet the curtailed budget ($132,335). Contributions of $16,885 were needed in Feb and in March to meet the aspirational budget ($150,320). Checks/cash received in Feb totaled $8982.89. Contributions so far in March total $17,130. If you would like to set up automatic contributions to the Meeting, contact Carolyn V, clerk, Stewardship and Finance Committee.
Quaker Call to worship and action: TONIGHT March 30, 6-7:30PM. Grounded spiritual discernment brings strength to our actions. Come learn from and support one another. To receive the link, register at https://email.cloud.secureclick.net/c/15604?id=54966.355.1.a9dc6e3ee51d635514a6844e011473cc .
Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) Summer School 7-18 July 2025, via Zoom. Are you 20-26 years old and eager to learn about international solidarity movements, coalition-building and UN engagement from a civil society perspective? Interested in gaining practical skills in advocacy, quiet diplomacy methods, coalition-building and insights from professionals engaged in multilateralism? The QUNO summer intensive allows you to learn about Quaker work being done at the international level and about the work of the United Nations. Throughout the ten-day program, skill-building workshops will equip you to be a changemaker in today’s world. Four-hour learning days, 8AM – noon(CT), Monday – Friday. Application forms and further information at https://quno.org/quaker-united-nations-summer-school, or email: qunss(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)quno.ch Deadline for applications and references is TOMORROW, 31st March.
Friends General Conference introduces Young Adult and Youth (YAY) Gathering – an intergenerational Quaker event for children, youth, teens, and young adults (0-35). Come to Michigan July 2-6 for play, connection, laughter, spiritual practice, learning, and rest with family members and event volunteers of all ages. YAY puts young people at the center while celebrating the gifts that each generation brings to our community. Expect one thing at a time on the schedule with space to breathe in-between. Time with age peers and time all together. Expect games, stories, music, walks in the woods, campfires, conversations, puzzles, and most importantly, a spiritual community of people who practice generosity, kindness, and curiosity. Registration for YAY Gathering opens April 7 – Learn more about the gathering on the FGC website here. Registration, housing, fees, and financial aid info are also on the FGC website here.
The Friends School Plant Sale is coming May 9-11! Sign up for your favorite volunteer role. There remain almost 400 opportunities to volunteer, not including helping feed the many volunteer workers! Volunteers get to shop the pre-sale. Read about the different jobs at https://www.friendsschoolplantsale.com/volunteer. Sign up at https://friendsschoolofminnesota.volunteerlocal.com/volunteer/.
Taking Reparative Action. Interested in learning what other Meetings are doing about the legacy of Quaker-run boarding schools for indigenous children? Friends Peace Teams is offering a “Taking Reparative Action” workshop with speakers from New England Yearly Meeting, Baltimore Yearly Meting, and Alaska Friends Conference. Fri, Apr 11, 6:30-8PM(CT). Register at https://lu.ma/QIBS0411
The Middle East
* Mayim Rabim’s Israel Palestine Study Group is kicking off a film series with Where Olive Trees Weep TONIGHT, March 30, 5-8 PM at the meetinghouse and via Zoom. Email office(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)mayimrabim.org to get the link.
* join Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) in urging Congress to stop famine in Gaza by supporting the UNRWA Funding Emergency Restoration Act when it is reintroduced . More at https://fcnl.quorum.us/
* join AFSC every Friday at 11AM for an Action Hour for Palestine.
* worship with attention to peace in Palestine and Israel with Friends across the U.S. every Thurs, online, at 4:30PM. Sign up to get the link at https://afsc.org/events/meeting-worship-attention-peace-palestine-israel
* join AFSC every third Tuesday for Rise, Resist, and Build to learn about how to protect, resist, and build just peace, just migration, and just economies. 7PM(CT) https://www.mobilize.us/afsc/event/746944/
The Antiwar Committee will sponsor a March for Land Day, demanding Palestinian right of return and an end to U.S. aid to Israel, Mar 29 (Sat), 1-3PM. Meet at the NW corner of Powderhorn Park, 32nd St and 10th Ave S, Mpls. Info at https://antiwarcommittee.org/event/march-for-land-day/
Rise and Repair Communities are working to protect Minnesota’s wild rice and water. Send a letter to your legislators asking them to protect wild rice, an important environmental treasure and vital Indigenous entity. Find links to letters to legislators on these concerns and others on the Rise and Repair platform page: https://riseandrepair.org/platform
Healing MN Stories Tour dates have been announced: May 3 (10-2), Jun 1 (1-5), Oct 18 (10-2). These tours are an effort to create understanding between Native and non-Native people. Native people have suffered deep trauma – losing their land, language, and culture; trauma perpetrated with the full participation of Christian churches. Learn the less-told history of MN and come to better understand the need for healing. Tours fill quickly! More and register at https://mnchurches.org/what-we-do/healing-minnesota-stories. Jim Bear Jacobs, who helped create the tour, has written about his recent experience with Landback. Read it at: https://www.mnchurches.org/blog/2025/03/5/landback-survival-healing-justice
The Meeting Coordinator will be in the office Wed and Thurs afternoons. Bulletin deadline, noon Thur. Bulletin items can be phoned in to the office (612-926-6159) or emailed (office(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)minneapolisfriends.org).
The Children and Families Coordinator can be reached: Mon and Wed, 2:30-5PM; Thurs, 3:30-5PM; Sun, 9AM-2PM at the meetinghouse.