Bulletin: July 23, 2023
July 23, 2023
10:00 – 11:00 AM meeting for worship (semi-programmed): Ellen Swanson, speaker; Dave Bostrom, musician; care of meeting, Benton Randolph; Zoom host, Kate W-J
Email office@minneapolisfriends.org for the link to worship.
There is online mid-week worship every Wed night, 7PM. Email office@minneapolisfriends.org by noon Wed for the link.
People who are interested and willing to learn / review how to work the meetinghouse AV system, a few sessions after worship are available: TODAY, and July 30th. Please let Terry K. or Roger M. know of your interest.
Ministry and Counsel Committee (M&C) asks individuals who feel led to share a prepared message or a reading during semi-programmed worship, to contact Lolly L. or other members of M&C. M&C is also looking for closers for both worships. Serving as a closer is a ministry of service to the meeting.
Minneapolis Friends Meeting seeks applicants for a Nursery Supervisor to care for children 0-5 years old during Sunday morning worship and programming. This is a part-time position, approximately 3-4 hours on Sunday mornings. Hourly wage is $15-20/hour, depending on experience. Interested candidates should have experience caring for young children, dependability to provide a consistent presence, attentiveness to children’s safety, and ability to communicate effectively. A full job description can be found here. Send a resume, cover letter, and contact information for three professional references by email to: office@minneapolisfriends.org, with Nursery Committee in the subject line.
Loaves and Fishes, July 31st: Join other metro-area Friends, the Ismaili Community and the Mayim Rabim congregation to provide a nutritious meal at Holy Rosary Church in S Mpls, 2424 – 18th Ave S. There are three shifts to cover the tasks of the meal: meal prep (2-3:30PM); burrito assembly and handing out the meals (4:15-5:30PM,) and clean up (5:15-6:30PM.) Fruit donations, dropped off at Holy Rosary after 2:00, are needed as well. Email Sue K. to sign up for a shift to make sure there is sufficient space or to arrange to drop off fruit. Masks, gloves, and hats required. This remains a COVID risk. Sign up to come if you can!
PASTORAL CARE: The Care and Counsel Committee facilitates pastoral care for Minneapolis Meeting members and attenders, understanding the Quaker tradition that Friends minister to each other. If you are dealing with illness, grief, a major transition, or a stressful personal problem, we would like to be there for you. Contact committee clerk, Sandy O.
If a confidential discussion would support you as you make a decision, we will set up a clearness committee with you. Email John S. to explore that opportunity.
Other committee members are Connie A, Mary G, and Ellen S.
PLAN TO ATTEND – George Lakey, well-known Quaker activist, teacher, and author, will be in the Twin Cities this coming autumn! He will offer the mid-morning program on Sun, Sept. 24th and will be speaking at the meetinghouse on Wed evening, Sept 27th on Organizing for Environmental and Climate Justice.
Please remember to schedule committee meetings, events, and visits to the meetinghouse with the office to help avoid conflicts: 612-926-6159; office@minneapolisfriends.org .
Interested in gardening? Meeting gardeners (currently Clifford G, Betsy S, and Sarah McC) meet after worship TODAY and on fourth Sundays through Sept. Come when you can for satisfying fun playing in the dirt, fabulous people and lots of laughs. Questions? Contact Clifford.
Come for thirty minutes of Lectio Divina and worship sharing at noon on Tuesdays. We hold a short reading from the Bible, Quaker, or other spiritual texts to see if and how it might speak to us today, followed by a time of worship-sharing. Contact Stephen S. for the link.
The Watson Reading Group will meet Tues, June 27th, 7-8:30PM (and every fourth Tues of the month,) via Zoom. We will continue with Chapter 9 in Karen Armstrong’s Sacred Nature with time for discussion. Most participants have a copy of the book available to them, but it is not mandatory. Please contact John D. with interest and for the link.
The Spirituality in Dance and Movement group will gather at the meetinghouse this Tues, July 25th at 10:45AM (and the last Tuesday of any odd month). Those interested in moving and those who are interested but uncomfortable with movement are welcome. A CD player will be provided. Bring music that gets your toes tapping and your body swaying! Contact Ellen S. for more.
NEW GROUP FORMING: Learn together how to deal with conflict. Attend a monthly “soiree” focusing on how we deal with conflict and difference in our individual lives and meeting life. You don’t have to wear elegant clothes and we might meet in the daytime sometimes. The topic is challenging, it might be uncomfortable sometimes – but we plan to have fun and become more authentic peacemakers in the world as we learn to be more skilled in our day to day lives. This group is planning to start in September. Interested folks call or email: John S, Kate W-J, Jimbo L, or Nettie S. All are welcome. Newcomers, old-timers, young and old!
Jon Watts, creator of QuakerSpeak and Thee Quaker Podcast, offered the keynote address, Becoming the Quakers the World Needs Today, at InterMountain Yearly Meeting. You can hear it here.
The Northern Yearly Meeting Journal is published 2-3 times/year. Friends are encouraged to submit creative, artistic work and writing, including personal reflections and articles about your work and experiences as Quakers to nymjournal@gmail.com. Submission deadline for the Summer Issue is July 25th. Past journals are available on the Northern Yearly Meeting Website at About > Publications
People Camp 2023, Caring for Our Future, offered by Friends for a NonViolent World (August 6-12) is a great summer adventure vacation at a very affordable cost! This is a great experience for parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren, couples, and singles. More and registration here. Registration deadline is July 31.
American Friends Service Committee Restorative Justice Co-Learning Cohort: Do you want to learn restorative justice skills? Apply for AFSC’s participation-limited, co-learning cohort, taking place online every other Wednesday from Sept. 6 – Nov. 15. Participants will get instruction and practice in facilitating lower-level restorative justice circles ans will be tasked with applying what we learn — whether in organizing work, in communities, or in our personal lives. Attendees are expected to attend all six sessions. Apply before Aug 6.
A memorial service for David Coats (Prospect Hill Meeting) will be held at Twin Cities Meeting (1725 Grand Ave, St. Paul) on Aug 12, 11AM. Following the service there will be a reception with light refreshments. RSVP by August 1 if you plan to stay for the reception, by contacting Sigrid at 612-701-0987. For those unable to attend in person, you may attend via zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83441818123?pwd=amFXaTBuZWROdFlJK1M5U3dQdVVjQT09#success; ID 834 4181 8123; Passcode 505327.
United Society of Friends Women and International Friends Church are hosting a Women in Ministry Conference August 19th 9:30AM – 3:30PM in Brooklyn Park. USFW was formed in 1881 by Quaker women, carrying a concern for missionary work. For more, contact Phena S, (of International Friends Church,) Nettie S, or Hilda Shikhubari at 651-529-4091 / hildashikhubari@gmail.com . The link to register is here. Nettie S, Deborah J, and Mary S plan to attend.
The snow is not yet flying, but it’s never too early to gear up for the Friends for a NonViolent World Holiday Fair!
~ Use those lazy, hazy days of summer to create crafts to be sold or preserve the bounty of your garden! Work on your own or parallel play with a group of friends! Jams, honey and salsa are popular sale items. And of course, it’s always a good time to teach one of your skills to a younger person!
~ Clean up those Quaker Treasures to prepare them for their next life. Items with special meaning and value to the Quaker community are most fun to have.
~ Donate books! (We would also love multi-gallon storage tubs, and a few bookcases!) Contact Caron Moore to donate at 651-308-9842.
~ Have ideas of how to make the Fair even better this year? Be part of the planning team! Contact Cindy Robinson (cstarkeyrobinson@hotmail.com) with questions or to volunteer. Serving on the Holiday Fair Planning Committee is a great way to volunteer with FNVW for a limited period of time.
~ Let us know what you’d like to donate to the sale using this FNVW Holiday Fair Donation Sign Up
Support the work of Friends for a NonViolent World (FNVW): Walk for Peace & Justice: Challenged by our experiences
of violence across the Twin Cities in recent years, FNVW is organizing a Walk for Peace and Justice on Sept 30th. The Walk for Peace and Justice is a fundraising event designed to bring together and support the people and organizations working to create a safe and healthy Twin Cities where we all can thrive. FNVW walkers will be raising funds to support FNVW’s advocacy work and its Alternatives to Violence (AVP) program. Find out more and sign up to participate at fnvw.org/walk4peace. Register to walk or support a walker at this link.
General Secretary at Quaker Earthcare Witness. Passionate about environmental justice and faith-based social change? Are you a networker committed to inspiring action in your community? Quaker Earthcare Witness is hiring! Our General Secretary of ten years, Shelley Tanenbaum, is retiring at the end of 2023. More at this link.
Community Engagement Specialist at Friends for a NonViolent World. The Community Engagement Specialist supports and advances community participation in FNVW initiatives. They coordinate outreach that increase awareness of and support for FNVW’s work. They also work with organizational leadership to build and sustain relationships with members of the community and partnerships with other organizations. To apply, send a resume and cover letter to Leah Robshaw Robinson, Executive Director, at leah@fnvw.org. Interviews will begin the week of July 24th. Position open until filled. View complete job description at FNVW Community Engagement Specialist Job Description.
A group of teens from Ukraine will be in the Twin Cities for five weeks, August 9 – September 17, and are seeking host families This is a unique opportunity to support Ukraine and to minister to the youth who are living with the war – it is healing and affirming for them to tell their story to supportive, non-judgmental strangers. Program Brochure and student bios; Application Form ; Host Family Expectations & Additional Information (as well as FAQs); Host family orientation via zoom July 21st, 22nd, or 23rd at 1PM; Introduction to students via zoom starting July 24th; Host families get together at Dual Citizen on July 30th at 2PM – 4PM; Students arrive on August 9th . For more, or to touch base with a human, contact Richard.Fursman@hue.life
The Meeting Coordinator, will be in the office Wed, Thurs and Fri, afternoons. Phone messages checked daily. Bulletin deadline, noon Thur. Phone items in to the office (612-926-6159), email (office@minneapolisfriends.org), or write and put in the bulletin file of the blue box.