Minutes of Meeting for Business, July 10, 2022
Minneapolis Friend Meeting
Monthly Meeting for Business Minutes
July 10, 2022
In Attendance: John K – presiding clerk, Tom W – recording clerk, Sandy O – Zoom host, Roger M and Terry K – AV techs 15 Present in meeting house 18 Present on Zoom.
- Silent Worship
- Agenda – APPROVED
- June Minutes were APPROVED
- Ministry and Counsel Report (M&C) – John C M&C encourages all members of Minneapolis Friends Meeting to consider if they have a leading to share a prepared message during semi-programmed worship. This could be a reflection on your spiritual journey – insight into your source of spiritual enlightenment. This is a way to serve the community. Contact anyone on M&C to schedule yourself on the calendar beginning in August, to talk about what this might entail or to discuss anything regarding vocal ministry. M&C has been working on some membership inquiries. One topic that M&C would like to bring to Meeting for Business is whether music may be brought back into semi-programmed worship. They have fielded a number of requests about music and share with many members the love of music and the belief that musical expression can be a powerful form of ministry. They recognize that challenges still remain due to COVID and that some technical challenges need to be addressed if this is to happen. Recorded music is always an option, but they feel we should consider the benefits of live, in-person, music. Presiding clerk indicated there is time, today, to have the discussion. Friends accepted the report from M&C. Presiding Clerk believes in-person group singing would exceed the Meeting’s current COVID restrictions and that we still have technical challenges managing voice communication during Zoom sessions, so there may be technical issues to resolve. Discussion: Friends clearly want to hear live music again. Roger M thinks there would be no issue using mics to record live instruments using the new system. It was suggested that the individual we hire for the tech position should be well acquainted with managing live music. Friend reminded us that we don’t have to sing to appreciate music – standing and moving to recorded music is another way to enjoy music. Others cited the inspiration that can influence live performance when musicians are moved by the Spirit as they play. Singing along at home when muted on Zoom is another option, as is having individuals sing solo on Zoom. Some love what singing brings to the worship experience, in addition to having just instrumental music. In the theater it is common for performers to wear masks while singing. Another thought that someone singing from home on Zoom might sound better than having recorded music played. Clerk indicated there is a lot of interest in re-introducing music during worship. He referred this matter to M&C to come up with a proposal to bring back to monthly meeting. Interested individuals should contact John C, clerk of M&C, if they want to be involved.
- Committee Reports – No Reports this month
- Technology Committee Proposal to hire a technology operator – Marilyn J Marilyn reviewed our recent experience developing and managing the technology equipment for hybrid worship on Zoom during the COVID-19 pandemic: providing Zoom worship services since March 2020, creating a Technology Committee in October 2021, relying heavily on Bill H to host Zoom meetings until dedicated group of six volunteer hosts was trained, relying on Roger and Terry for all technical support with others assisting. The committee has observed that those who volunteer to host or to provide technical support cannot be totally present as participants in the Meeting activities they are facilitating. This has been okay in the short term, but in the long term it is a significant issue. One solution is to hire an in-house technician. The Technology Committee is proposing that Meeting hire an AV Technician. [See Attachments for detailed proposal] Marilyn was asked to review the main points of the proposal. The position would be supervised by the Technical Committee. Their duties would include: ensuring the two-way system works, and working every Sunday and at other times when AV support was needed – such as Social Committee sponsored movies. There would be a timeline to hire and to train the technician. Salary would start at $18/ hr. and rise to $20/hr. after 2 months. They anticipate paying approximately $4,700 a year (about 200 hours). Discussion: Friend suggested including the need to have the technician cover memorial services as one of the extras beyond the normal Sunday obligations. Marilyn suggested we might still need volunteers to help with the technical operations, if the technician is unavailable. One suggestion was to hire two individuals so there would always be a backup. They could alternate weeks to remain current in their skills. The committee believes the position would not require a high level of technical expertise since we would still rely on Roger and Terry to provide technical oversight of the system. Friend thought that was feasible since the basic operation of the system is not too high tech and relies on following notes and guidelines; but we still require technical expertise as backup if something fails. It was noted that there have been technical issues that routinely disrupt smooth operation of the system and that keeping the system operational may require a greater time commitment than just on Sunday mornings. Also, younger individuals, who may be the target of our hiring, typically have more technical savvy then most of us. There was considerable discussion about the proposed hourly wages. Many thought they were not high enough. Marilyn reported that most techs get about $100 an event they cover, which would equate to about $5,200/yr. Liaison and Review Committee studied the proposed salary range and concluded that $18-$24 was appropriate. In addition, Meeting must consider the two other paid positions in the meeting house, and the salary of a new position needs to be proportional to what we are already paying our staff. This may limit the pool of available technicians, but the committee believes there are individuals who would apply for the position. It was suggested that we might consider individuals who are Quaker adjacent, such as a Quaker Volunteer Service fellow. Friend thought we should rely on the insight of the committee in this regard and support the proposal. Clerk asked if we are willing to approve the committee hiring someone for the technical operator position. Friends APPROVED hiring a technical operator.
- Correspondence – there was no correspondence
- Meeting concluded with silent Worship at 11:55
Proposal to MFM Business Meeting to hire an A/V operator
The Technology Committee recommends that MFM hire a person to operate the A/V equipment in the Meetinghouse.
Nature of Work: The person in this position will operate Audio/Visual Equipment during Meetings for Worship and Business.
Supervision: The Technology Committee is responsible for hiring, assignment of duties, training, evaluation of performance, and termination of employment.
- Integrity
- Dependability
- Flexibility to work longer occasionally.
Knowledge, skills and abilities:
- Knowledge of computer security and privacy issues,
- Communication skills,
- Ability to:
- Read directions, communicate by text,
- Use Windows operating system,
- Resolve issues quickly, either troubleshooting on own, or asking for assistance when needed,
- Log out of, and shut down equipment,
- Direct camera, evaluate image quality,
- Monitor volume and sound quality of microphones, speakers,
- Use second computer to show video, play music,
- Climb stairs and reach outlet under table.
Essential Duties: Enable MFM hybrid worship by ensuring that the whole A/V system and 2-way connection with Zoom function properly throughout Meeting for worship and business meeting.
This includes:
- Start up the A/V equipment; ensure that mics and cameras are working; set mixer levels; perform a test run with Zoom
- Monitor mics, cameras, amps, mixer, 2-way audio and visual connection with Zoom, so they all continue to function properly throughout Meeting for worship and business meeting
- Switch camera to highlight speaker in Meetinghouse
- Troubleshoot problems; ask for help if needed to resolve problems quickly
- Timely communicate with Zoom host as needed by either party
- Report A/V issues to Roger or Terry
- Absences will be communicated 24 hours in advance to Tech Committee Clerk or designated scheduler.
Hours of Work:
- Every Sunday,
- Summer hours 9:30 to 11:15, business meeting Sundays 9:30 to 12:45,
- School year hours 8:30 to 12:30, business meetings may be longer,
- On occasion work with committees who want to use the A/V equipment in Meeting-sponsored events. For example, Peace & Social Concerns might want to show a movie locally and over Zoom. However, probably we first would ask our trained volunteers to act as A/V tech for those events.
Compensation: $18/hr. They will be an employee, not an independent contractor. Annual cost will be about $4000.
For an Employee:
- Find interested candidate. Determine if qualified. Offer job. Fill out I-9, W-4, other paperwork
- Orient to time card process.
- Make sure person has contact info for Terry and Roger, Committee Clerk, and vice versa.
- Give them orientation to operation of equipment.
- Have them do an observation as experienced operator runs equipment through a Meeting for Worship.
- Another Sunday, operate equipment on own, with experienced operator as observer.
- Another Sunday, operate equipment on their own, with backup via text.
- Give them a work schedule, noting hours for each Sunday.
- Check in regularly with Terry, Roger or Clerk.
- If person will be unavailable, Terry, Roger, or other trained person will be the A/V in-house Tech.
- Tech Committee will express gratitude weekly.
- On-going training provided as requested by incumbent, or as needed per judgement of Roger or Terry.
- Performance review after two months.
For Volunteers:
- Find interested candidates.
- Make sure person has contact info for Terry and Roger, Committee Clerk, and vice versa.
- Give them orientation to operation of equipment.
- Have them do an observation as experienced operator runs equipment through a Meeting for Worship.
- Another Sunday, operate equipment on own, with experienced operator as observer.
- Another Sunday, operate equipment on their own, with backup via text.
- Scheduler will schedule them as needed.
- We will have a backup person scheduled for every Sunday at least initially.
- On-going training provided at least once per month if they have not operated the equipment that month, to keep skills fresh.
- Tech Committee will express gratitude every time they serve.