Meeting for Business Minutes, May 10, 2020
Minneapolis Friends Meeting
Minutes of Monthly Meeting for Business
May 10, 2020
[Remote on Zoom]
In attendance: John K. – presiding clerk, Tom W. – recording clerk, with an additional 35 in attendance
Clerk introduced silent worship with a brief reading
Requests – Leave time in between each speaker. Take time to let emotions settle and the Light’s message form before speaking. Speak from the Light instead of simply responding to another’s’ message, unless you want to clarify what’s been said. We are seeking a common understanding of what the Light is telling us as a community, not just trying to get our individual point across. Wait for the microphone.
- Agenda approved with a couple changes – no trustee report until next month
- April Business Minutes were Approved
- Ministry and Counsel (M&C) Report – Bill H. Committee meets every first Thursday. They are getting adjusted to the new committee members and the process of conducting their business on Zoom. M&C is grateful for all the closers for worship and the scheduled speakers. Meeting returns to the summer schedule on May 24. Plans to conduct a joint Zoom worship with Northern Yearly Meeting on May 24th look unlikely, at this point. Refer to the bulletin, Google group and website regarding worship time on the 24th. It will probably remain a 10 AM start time with just our Meeting participating. The midweek Zoom sessions are going well. Wednesday’s 7PM worship facilitated by Stephen S. in April and May has been rich and fruitful. The Friday 1PM drop-in has continued with 2-5 weekly participants. Thank you to Dave B. and Heidi F. for covering for Bill when he cannot facilitate it. M&C requests that all meeting related activities use the meeting’s zoom account when scheduling their meetings. Carolyn V. will coordinate the schedule for the Zoom account and will provide user name and passwords to access the account. For security reasons, the meeting’s Zoom ID will be changed monthly so pay attention to the bulletin and Google group for the latest version. As a routine, the new ID for the next month will be posted on the last Sunday of the preceding month. M&C wishes to remind everyone that there will continue to be no music or hymns during remote worship on Zoom, unless they arise out of worship.
- A Note to Google Group Participants – a reminder to users of Minneapolis Friends Google Group that its purpose is the business of meeting, which includes activities, life changes and challenges, as well as committee and meeting concerns that apply to all of us. Please DON’T “reply all,” whatever the subject may be. Google Group is not for reactions to messages – of either support or disagreement – or for other ideas you might have to add to the message. These messages should be sent ONLY to the person who sent out the Google Group message. PLEASE keep in mind that people wish to limit Google Group messages in their mail to as few as possible.
- Tele Care. It has become very apparent that this pandemic has caused an increase in fear, anxiety, depression and a concern for dying. All these feelings and thoughts are quite normal in this current state of unpredictability and instability. The Care and Counsel Committee knows that connecting with others is key to remaining hopeful and centered. But sometimes people need more than just someone to listen to them, they need a guide, a mentor, a spiritual coach, an opportunity for confession and a trusting safe encounter where one can process their feelings of spiritual anguish, fear, and anxiety. To be sensitive to those individuals in our community who provide support, we ask those who wish to speak with one of these folks to please coordinate, first, through Judith J. She will put you in touch with someone.
- Discussion: Friend asked if the Experiment with Light groups need to use the meeting’s Zoom account. Committee clerk assumes that they will be facilitated in the same way as has happened previously. This may need clarification. For other questions about logins and passwords for the Zoom account, refer to Carolyn in the office. The meeting has paid for the Zoom account to simplify meeting remotely, to facilitate scheduling and to provide longer session times then provided by free Zoom accounts. Friend asked if we are required to use the meeting’s account. Bill explained that only worship and activities under the care of Ministry and Counsel need to use the Zoom account. There was repeat clarification that the new monthly Zoom ID will be posted in the bulletin and on the Google group
- Stewardship and Finance Annual Report – Marilyn J. [spread sheet was shared on Zoom] Last Spring there had been consideration about investing in the stock market via a Quaker investment firm. At this time, it is good that we did not because we would have lost money. Overall, the state of the Meeting’s finances is good, with a bank balance for operating funds of $105,000. Contributions during the 4th quarter, usually a slow time for contributions, were 14% of budget; however total contributions for the year were 84% of our budget and we were able to easily meet our expenses. In the “Expenses” section of the budget report we have generally spent about what we’ve budgeted for that item. One exception is in Programs, where we have spent only $810 when we budgeted $6460. Many committees planned to have training or other programs this year, and did not. At the bottom of the page we can compare out budget, our expenses, and our income for the year. With our budget we estimated we’d spend $113,485. Our actual expenses were $70,975. Our donations were $94,816 (see top of page). So we brought in $23,841 more than we spent. Upcoming points of attention: we anticipate some large building expenses in the near future (Trustees and Property committee are on top of this); operating expenses should be less this year with no expense for ministry staff; we anticipate less program expenses than budgeted, and building use is down. There is a lot of uncertainty about contributions this next year due to the reality of lost incomes due to the pandemic, financial hardship and declining value of financial assets. Discussion: There was a lengthy discussion on the budgeting process. Friend asked if we need to adjust how the budget is determined since we often do not spend what has been budgeted. Committee clerk expressed an interest in learning more about best practices when establishing a budget. Presiding Clerk: over budgeting is quite common and people in organizations are generally frugal when it comes to spending. In his experience, tightening a budget only seems to work for a year or two; and there are different ways we could track how we manage our money. Friend remarked that budgets are an expression of an organization’s values. Budgets are an aspirational narrative, so this is not a real problem that needs fixing. However, it was pointed out that considering income as aspirational when budgeting, is problematic. Friend questioned if it made sense to designate money to specific areas of a budget, and yet they acknowledged the role of special funds set up by the Trustees or administered by the Shepherd Scholarship Committee. An example was made of the COVID-19 Fund which is being taken out of the $95,000 balance in our checking account, but was not in the budget. Friends mentioned additional adjustments they would like to the budget: more transportation funds to participate in broader Quaker activities (the Trustees do have a travel fund although it may have a low maximum payout per event); additional support to Friends School since their plant sale had to be cancelled this year; redirecting the allotment for Director of Ministry back into the general budget; costs of investing in more electronics to allow remote participation in Meeting activities. There was some discussion about how funds have been designated in the past to things like transportation and conference costs, and about the role of Trustees or business meeting in assigning contributions. Friend suggested the time to suggest changes to the budget is not now, but is during the preliminary budget process; and another remarked that it would require at least three business meetings to redo the budget allocation to the director of ministry. COVID-19 presents some real challenges when predicting our annual income. Marilyn: Some Friends contribute regularly through direct deposit and others have mailed their checks to the Meeting, yet it is hard to predict what the contributions will be this year, especially since some of our largest contributors have been negatively impacted by the current economic uncertainties. Presiding Clerk indicated this discussion needs to be ongoing and next month the Trustees will be giving their report. Friends APPROVED the Stewardship and Finance Annual Report.
- Liaison and Review (L&R) Committee Annual Report – Jeanette R. (Gayle M. convenes the committee while Jeannette clerks) [See attachments for complete report] The charge of Liaison and Review is to serve as a liaison between MFM and meeting staff, to conduct annual performance reviews of the Interim Meeting Coordinator, to report annually to monthly meeting and to make salary recommendations to Stewardship Committee. The committee also provides oversight of general personnel. The Presiding Clerk is an ex officio member. Their main tasks involve supervision of Interim Meeting Coordination, overseeing all administration activities, and overseeing of sabbatical funds to support transition of the former Director of Ministry. Some upcoming points of attention include developing procedures for remote access to meeting voice mail, email and production of the weekly bulletin, considering technology needs for remote work, and ensuring a safe return to work in the meeting house for paid staff. Discussion: a concern was expressed that limits on accessing the meeting house during COVID-19 restrictions were not communicated adequately. Presiding Clerk thought this question would be best directed to the property committee and not Liaison and Review, to work with the active users of the meeting house in developing guidelines on how to best access the building. Friend suggested we might post something on the doors, providing instructions on how to contact staff to gain access and to not just rely on the bulletin to provide information. Another Friend suggested L&R look into considering a sabbatical for the office coordinator, since her job has grown more intense following the retirement of the Director of Ministry. Jeannette said L&R could review that this year and they would appreciate any input we could offer. It would help to clarify who covers the administrator’s duties when she is absent. Currently, there are a number of people who fill-in, but more clarity would be beneficial. Meeting expressed its’ appreciation to Liaison and Review Committee for all their work.
- Other Concerns about operating under social distancing requirements of COVID-19 – Presiding Clerk: Clerk suggests we continue through June with what we are doing now. He is not comfortable considering coming back together in person at this time, but he asks how we are going to get back to a more normal format. Ideas? Should we move faster? Discussion: Friend said in her job as a school administrator she has been reading a lot about the epidemiology of the pandemic and there is major concern that religious groups are a significant point of transmission for the disease. During worship, people spend a long time sitting close together in an enclosed space – an ideal situation for disease spread. Another Friend reported that Quakers in some Pennsylvania Meetings are having gatherings outside with small groups sitting in a circle. One of our doctors suggested the Minnesota Department of Health has a good website for information. Indications are that the peak for cases in Minnesota won’t occur until July and that the overall risk to all of us is getting worse and may continue until there is a 70% exposure rate to the virus or until a vaccine has been developed. He believes there is no indication to relax our restrictions – nothing has improved. Friends were satisfied with staying with the way things are for the foreseeable future.
- State of Society to be approved – Judith J: (Presiding Clerk spoke for Judith) He apologized that they only recently distributed the final version. It was displayed on Zoom and he read it out loud. He added that it needs to be completed so it can be presented to Northern Yearly Meeting next month, but stated that it may be more important to get it right, than to get it done on time. Discussion: One Friend expressed a desire for more time to review the report, although most seemed in support of it. A request was made to add “Care and Comfort Committee” to section 8 of the report and to clarify concerns raised by Peace and Social Concerns Committee. Clerk’s sense of the Meeting is that most are ok with the present version, but he does not want to rush. He asked if we would be comfortable approving the State of Society with him making the suggested edits. He would also speak to the Friend who had expressed some reservations. Friends APPROVED the State of Society Report with the Clerk making a few edits to clarify a couple points.
- Care Fund (Fund for Hardship) – Clerk postponed further discussion on this to next month, since this will require more time to adequately review.
- Correspondence: None
- Business meeting closed with a period of worship
2020 Annual Report from Liaison and Review
May 10, 2020
Members: Jeannette R.- Clerk, Gayle M., Lolly L., John K., Ex Officio
- Charge
Liaison and Review serves as liaison between MFM and meeting staff, conducts annual performance reviews of the Interim Meeting Coordinator, reports annually to monthly meeting and makes salary recommendations to Stewardship Committee. This committee also provides oversight of general personnel. The Presiding Clerk is an ex officio member. - Main Points of Work
Supervision of Interim Meeting Coordinator
- Regular supervision meetings with Interim Meeting Coordinator
- Carolyn and L & R Committee have worked to clarify, refine and address differing expectations of the role of the Interim Meeting Coordinator. These discussions have been in response to questions from meeting members, the Clerk and from Carolyn.
- Planned for or filled emergency needs when Carolyn was away.
- Held calls with Carolyn on an as-needed basis.
- Facilitated communications as needed.
- Administration
- L & R
- Monthly Meeting approved the making the meeting coordinator position permanent
- L and R consulted with committee clerks about possible refinements of the position description and finalized and meeting coordinator position description. Changes reflected the work Carolyn is doing and no major changes were made, so with agreement from the clerk this was not brought to monthly meeting.
- Coordinated with Stewardship and Finance Committee to ensure approved pay rates
- Moved reorganized committee records and employment documentation into a locked filing cabinet in the meeting house.
- Destroyed performance reviews dating back 6 decades Provided recommendations on hourly rate for child care worker
- Provided recommendations for pay during COVID stay at home time for building maintenance and child care worker
- Worked with Stewardship to ensure the issuance of pay checks during the COVID stay at home order time
- Worked with Carolyn to ensure that the Meeting provided a safe working environment during COVID stay at home time
- Added a $500 budget line for professional development for Carolyn
- L & R
- Oversight of Sabbatical Funds to Support Transition for former Director of Ministry
- L and R oversaw the third phase of the use of transition funds
- Separating from the meeting (June 2017 – October 2017)
- Being away from the meeting (October 2017- August 2018)
- Reengaging with the meeting. September 2019- March 2020
- Made request to the Trustees for reimbursement of expenses.
- Gayle served as the point of communication for requests for use of the funds and confirmed that no further funds were needed.
- The rest of the funds will now revert back into the Sabbatical Fund
- L and R oversaw the third phase of the use of transition funds
- Upcoming points of attention
- Continue supervision meetings.
- Ensure W-9 forms are filled out and filed for all paid staff.
- 2020 performance review
- Develop standard operating procedures for remote access to meeting voice mail, meeting e-mail and production of the weekly bulletin
- Consider technology needs for remote work
- Communicate with trustees re: release of dedicated transition funds
- Ensuring a safe return to work in the meeting house for paid staff
- Experience of Spirit Led Decision Making Liaison and Review at most times opens and closes our meetings with a short period of silent worship. We strive to seek solutions that arise with guidance from the Spirit. We practice deep listening and appreciative inquiry to identify the issues that underlie day-to-day experiences. Our approach reflects our Quaker values of equality, integrity and community. We operate with a commitment to candor with kindness. We hope to provide fair and integrity-filled supervision by coaching and guiding rather than dictating solutions. All this emerges from the belief that the Spirit is among us and can provide guidance to anything coming towards us.