Bulletin: February 23, 2020
February 23, 2020
9:00 – 10:00 meeting for worship (unprogrammed): care of meeting, David Downes; Mary Logue (mic)
10:15 – 11:00 One-to-One Conversations – A Foundation for Changing Our World. Joey Giffen-Hunter facilitating
10:15 – 11:00 First day school for youth
11:15 – 12:15 meeting for worship (semi-programmed): Frank Bacon – speaker; Victoria Van Slyke – musician; care of meeting, Jim Lovestar
You are welcome at the potluck following second worship next Sunday! To regulars, please bring lots so we can be confident inviting guests / visitors to stay.
Mid-Morning Program next Sunday at 10:15: Humming at the Dinner Table. Joanne Esser will read aloud from her recently published first collection of poems and will discuss her writing process. She will also lead participants in doing a few writing exercises together.
Nominating Committee is at work to match Meeting and individual needs with member / attender gifts and ministries. Please return phone calls from Nominating Committee members who reach out to you. Curious about roles in the life of the Meeting? Contact a member of Nominating Committee: Annamary, Doug, Debbie, and Jim.
Friends Committee on National Legislation asks for the discernment of monthly meetings and worship groups each year in setting FCNL’s legislative priorities for the coming year. FCNL has always relied on the worship and input of Friends across the country to ground its lobbying. How is the Spirit leading us to influence our government today? Please fill out a survey (sent with the bulletin and available on the elevator table) and return to Doug. The mid-morning program on April 5 will be dedicated to this discernment.
The Nursery Committee, on behalf of the Meeting, seeks the right person to work with the little ones in the nursery. The work hours are Sundays during the school year, 8:45-12:30; and 9:45-11:15 during the summer months. The pay is $15 an hour. For more, contact Betsy, Emily, or Sara.
Northern Yearly Meeting will have its Spring Interim Session at Milwaukee Meeting, March 16 – 17. Interested in Friendly housing accommodations, transportation help, or other information, email office(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)minneapolisfriends.org and your email will be passed along to the Milwaukee coordinator.
Mary and Stephen invite Friends to their home at Kenwood Isles, this Wed, Feb 26, for worship sharing at noon. Come center on a passage followed by conversation over a light lunch. Please RSVP to Stephen or Mary.
A MFM Writing Group will meet this Tues, Feb 25th at 7PM – a fun and informal evening, with no preparation necessary. Everyone welcome, no commitment — drop in once or come when you can. Meet at Jane and David’s home in Hopkins. For questions or directions, contact Jane.
Want to invite a Quaker Voluntary Service Fellow to join you in an activity or at an event? Email minneapolishouse(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)quakervoluntaryservice.org to let them know about it!
Come visit with Friends General Conference representatives who want to meet with local Quakers to talk about the future of FGC; to hear from locals about how FGC is viewed; to describe what FGC is. Saturday, March 7th, 2-4PM at Twin Cities Meeting, 1725 Grand Ave, St. Paul. RSVP to Cynthia is you plan to attend.
Discover your own power to transform frustration, conflict and violence in your life at the Alternatives to Violence Project Basic Community Workshop, March 13-14. This holistic, experiential, safe, and lively workshop will teach you new skills and attitudes to address, prevent, and transform violence in your everyday life. Noon – 9PM March 13th and 9-9 March 14th; 393 N Dunlap Str St. Paul; attendance both days expected; register (required): 651-917-0383; Miranda(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)fnvw.org; http://bit.ly/avpmarch.
Friends for a NonViolent World is seeking potential new board members, candidates for the Executive Director position and candidates for the E.D. search committee. See fnvw.org for more or email board clerk, Brucie(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)fnvw.org, or Board(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)fnvw.org with questions or interest.
Pendle Hill First Monday Evening Talks Livestreamed from Pendle Hill, Mon, March 2nd, 6:30 – 8PM: The Search for Common Ground in the Midst of Division. In The Search for Common Ground, Howard Thurman grappled with the question of how people strive for inner wholeness while seeking community among people of different races and worldviews. Tune in to hear a discussion of the polarities in our nation across race, class, ethnicity, religion and national origin, and how that division impacts all of us as well as how we can begin tearing down walls and building bridges of understanding and solidarity. Be sure to register in advance to receive the link for the Livestream: pendlehill.org/events/the-search-for-common-ground-in-the-midst-of-division
Always wondered what People Camp was like? Come to A Taste of People Camp potluck to learn more and to get to meet some of the members of the community. Sat, March 7th, 5 – 8:30PM Twin Cities Meeting, 1725 Grand Ave, St Paul, MN.
A new worshipful, Spirit-led Anti-Racism Working Group was established at the recent Northern Yearly Meeting interim session to better integrate and carry forward anti-racism work. Honing the working group’s mission, scope and functioning likely at Spring interim session (March 16-17) and at yearly meeting. Email office(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)minneapolisfriends.org to have your interest forwarded to NYM co-clerk, Kat.
The Elizabeth Ann Bogert Memorial Fund for the Study and Practice of Christian Mysticism Grants Program is soliciting proposals. Proposals and references for 2020 grants are due March 1; decisions made in May; grants distributed in June. See posted information for more or see: fwccamericas.org/docs/Bogert%20Fund%20Brochure%202019.pdf
Know a young adult looking for transformational spirituality and activism? Encourage them to apply to Quaker Voluntary Service! Application deadline is March 15: quakervoluntaryservice.org/apply/
Reimagining Spirit is the Willson Lecture offered at Earlham School of Religion (Richmond, IN) on April 4th. The Spirit’s ambiguous nature opens the opportunity for study to unearth the exciting truths that it holds. Come examine the work of the Holy Spirit as it stirs us to new kinships with God that are sustainable, just, and whole. More at esr.earlham.edu/2020-willson-lectures.
Scattergood, a diverse, college preparatory community of motivated and open-minded learners, who value simplicity, equality, and non-violence, offers new Quaker Scholarships. Details at scattergood.org/scholarships. Application deadline is June 1.
OFFICE HOURS – Wed afternoon and Thurs and Fri, 11:00-4. Bulletin deadline, noon Thur. Bulletin items can be phoned in to the office (612-926-6159), emailed (office(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)minneapolisfriends.org), or written and put in the bulletin file.