Bulletin: June 30, 2019
June 30, 2019
10:00 – 11:00 AM meeting for worship (semi-programmed): Annette Smith, speaker; Tom Wells, musician; care of meeting, Heidi Flores
“Aliveness springs from our making something of what we experience and receiving what experience makes of us.” – Ann Belford Ulanov
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” – Howard Thurman
“My hope is that others will get a sense of how the universe is radiant and exciting and how we are poised right where the new action is happening. God’s action, our action.” – Richard Rohr
Following the closing handshake, we will take time for introductions, and there will be a few moments to share joys and concerns, followed by pre-arranged announcements. Preferred practice is to put announcements in the bulletin. After-worship announcements, when needed, should be brief so Friends can be released.
Take advantage of the lazy, hazy days of summer and linger for a cup of coffee, a nibble, and brief visit today after worship. Hosts are Barbara and Nancy.
Plan to come to the potluck following worship NEXT Sunday, July 7! Diane Randall, Executive Director of Friends National Committee on Legislation, will be worshiping with us and hopefully will be able to stay for conversation over potluck, describing Quaker action and witness in Washington, DC – and how you can support efforts there. As always, regulars – bring lots so we have plenty to offer visitors and out-of-town guests.
Zephyra and Roland Shepherd created the Shepherd Scholarship in 1977 for the post-secondary education of members or member’s children. Applications and eligibility criteria are available on the long table in the east hall. Completed applications should be mailed to the meetinghouse, emailed to the office (office(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)minneapolisfriends.org,) or put in the Shepherd Scholarship file in the blue box. Application deadline is July 14.
Would you like to have coffee with a Quaker? (It doesn’t have to be coffee!) Sign up slips are now on the elevator table. Please fill one out and place it in the coffee can. Slips will be collected weekly and you will be contacted to make arrangements.
A new writing group is starting! The initial meeting will be 7 PM Tuesday, July 23rd at the home of Jane. It will be a relaxed but structured group with a focus on developing a spiritual practice through writing. Each month we’ll write and have the chance to share with each other. Everyone welcome. Contact Jane with questions or interest.
Quaker Voluntary Service request: Kirsten, the Fellow who will be working at Bridging in Roseville next year, is still trying to arrange transportation to and from work. Do you commute between south Minneapolis and the Roseville area and are willing to share a ride with Kirsten, August – July? Even one or two days a week would be incredibly helpful: MWF–either 7:30-4 or 8-4:30; T/Th any 8.5 hour span starting at 7 to 9 AM. Contact Dan, Prospect Hill Meeting member of the Local Support Committee, or the office (office(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)minneapolisfriends.org) with offers or leads
Generous donations / forgotten items: Over the years, many have donated items to in the meeting kitchen or have made unwitting contributions to the lost and found box. We now have collected more than we can use! On Sun, July 7, you are invited to scan lost and found items and extra aprons, tablecloths, or silverware. Feel free to take those things you that belong to you or anything that might be of use to you. All items left will be given to a place that provides items free to those in need.
Friends for a NonViolent World has developed an online survey to learn more about volunteer thoughts and feelings around their experiences at FNVW, the impact of their volunteer responsibilities, how well FNVW does at communicating with and supporting volunteers, and how welcome or included volunteers feel. If you would like to schedule a person-to-person conversation, contact Leah at leah(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)fnvw.org or 651-917-0383. Survey responses accepted until July 6th. Click here to take the survey online.
The Northern Yearly Meeting Journal is looking for reflections, personal insights, analysis of concerns, letters to the editor, experiences, and creative works, including images, for the summer issue! Submit items to nymjournal(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)gmail.com, or email with questions; deadline is July 19. For more, click here.
Nightingales’ summer gathering will be held near Stoughton, WI, Aug 2-4. Nightingales are mostly Quakers, mostly from WI and MN, who gather to sing over a weekend three times a year. For more, contact Carolyn at office(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)minneapolisfriends.org.
Stop Separating Families protest and march, TODAY, Sunday June 30, 2 PM Lake Street and Nicollet Avenue, Mpls; hosted by MN Immigrant Rights Action Committee and Council on American-Islamic Relations -MN. Details at: facebook.com/events/297434524532185 .
Lights for Liberty: A global Vigil to End Human Detention Camps will bring thousands of Americans across the country to detention camps, and into the streets to protest the inhumane conditions faced by refugees. Join other Minnesotans for a vigil to demonstrate that these fundamental rights are not negotiable: Fort Snelling Whipple Federal Bldg on Friday July 12th, 8-10 PM (https://www.facebook.com/events/2237266943251609/), OR Ramsey County Law Enforcement Center, 425 Grove St, St Paul, 8:30-9:30 PM, (facebook.com/events/350209189010843/)
Amnesty on Library overdue charges: Fifty cities, including St. Paul, have abolished library fines as discriminatory, most often affecting low-income and people of color and restricting access to library resources. Tom White will be in the lobby following worship TODAY to answer questions and to collect signatures to grant amnesty and abolish library fines in Hennepin Cnty.
OFFICE HOURS: Wed, Thurs and Fri, 10:30-4:00. Phone messages checked daily. Bulletin deadline, noon Thur. Bulletin items can be phoned in to the office, emailed, or written and put in the bulletin file of the blue box.