Meeting for Business Minutes, April 14, 2019
Minneapolis Friends Meeting
Monthly Meeting for Business
April 14, 2019
John Kraft—Presiding Clerk ,Tom Ward—Recording Clerk [names and some information have been edited for publication on the web]
- Silent Worship
- Approve Agenda with additions – APPROVED
- Approve March Minutes – APPROVED
- Ministry and Counsel Committee Report (M&C) – Sandy O. During their April meeting, M&C reviewed how they have reached out to others this past month and how they have explored specific ways they can support the pastoral care others in Meeting have offered over recent months and years.
- M&C received a clearness committee report regarding the marriage of Rachel Stoll and Daniel Wilson under the care of Winona Preparative Meeting and Minneapolis Friends Meeting. Daniel is a member of Winona Preparative Meeting. The Clearness Committee was composed of members of Winona Preparative Meeting – Ellen O. (Clerk), Carol S. and Rosine T. – and Jim L. and Terry K. from Minneapolis Friends Meeting. The committee are in agreement and wholeheartedly recommend Rachel and Daniel be married under the care of our meetings. M&C recommends approval of their marriage under the care of Winona Preparative Meeting and Minneapolis Friends Meeting. Meeting APPROVED taking the marriage of Rachel Stoll and Daniel Wilson under its care. The wedding is planned for August 2019 at Zephr Land Coop in Winona County where they are living.
- Summer schedule begins on May 26 and runs through September 8th. During the summer schedule, on Sundays, we hold one meeting for worship at 10 AM. The second and fourth Sundays of the month will have semi-programmed worship – the first and third Sundays will be unprogrammed. Fellowship times will be available at the rise of meeting on May 26 and the third and fourth Sundays of June, July and August as well as on the fifth Sunday in June. Fellowship times will be coordinated by Rae C., Clerk of the Social Committee, and Nancy H. of the Welcoming and Outreach Committee.
- M&C is sponsoring a listening session on Saturday May 4th from 1 to 3 pm. Through worship sharing we will explore the following queries. How is our leadership transition within the meeting going for you? What does this meeting mean to you? What are you putting up with in meeting? What do you have in common with others in meeting? These queries are not written in stone. Your input is welcome right now and/or before May 4th. Please plan to attend this session. Child care will be provided. There was no discussion.
- Membership and Attendance Report – Carolyn V. Each year Northern Yearly Meeting (NYM) asks for updated membership and attendance numbers so they can adjust our contributions to NYM. In general, Carolyn considers active meeting participants to be those who attend at least once a month. Number of adults – 97 (last year – 120) Members who regularly attend worship – 57 (last year – 59), Regular attenders at worship – 40 (last year – 61), Total number of children – 24 (last year – 21), Under age (2) – 3, Preschool (ages 2-5) – 3, Grades (1-5) – 7, Grades (6-8) -5, (High School) -6. There were 3 new members by convincement: Juliet N., Ellen S., Rosine T. -(Winona Preparative Meeting); 5 released members: Vicki O. by death, Nancy L. by death, Linda H. by transfer to Eugene Meeting, OR; Sharon and Betsy L-G. by transfer to Cannon Valley Meeting MN. Average weekly attendance: unprogrammed worship – 22.5, semi-programmed worship – 47 Discussion: Friend added that average attendance at the mid-morning program was about 25, with as many as 40 on some occasions
- Nominating Committee Update – Douglas H.: Roland B. had been under consideration to become a Trustee. The Meeting’s bylaws stipulate that only three Trustees can serve at the same time, so we cannot add another Trustee right now. Consequently, the plan is to have Roland fill Jane F’s. Trustee’s slot next year when Jane completes her term. Nominating wanted this correction noted in the minutes. Presiding Clerk asked for members to give due consideration to any requests he makes regarding serving on the Nominating Committee, if he contacts you. C. A. volunteered. There was no further discussion
- Approve Peace and Social Concerns Committee Priorities (P&SC) for 2019-20 – Roland B. Each year P&SC suggests a focus for their committee and the Meeting. This year they recommend the topic “Gender Justice and Well Being.” The focus will be on both men and women and include actions related to #MeToo movement, justice for rape and sexual abuse victims, work pay equality, health and wellness, the epidemic of male suicides, and acceptance of gender fluidity. We envision participation with individuals /organizations involved with these activities. We would present awareness sessions (speakers/movies) on the subjects. We would like to organize workshops that help participants deal with these issues. Discussion: When would the year of focusing on Gender Justice and Well Being begin? Right now, in April. Friend expressed concern that adopting a new priority might divert our energies away from climate change and the political process during a critical political year. Roland assured us that this would not alter Meeting’s commitment to address climate change. There was a question about who would receive the Meeting’s voluntary carbon tax. P&SC is tasked with researching this and is looking at potential recipients to receive the approximate $1000 the Meeting will contribute this year. Also, at 7PM on April 24 P&SC is sponsoring a National Geographic film, “Gender Revolution”. Quaker Voluntary Service participants will lead a discussion afterwards. Friends APPROVED having the focus for the next year be “Gender Justice and Well Being.”
- Stewardship and Finance Committee annual report – Marilyn J. Basically, the final report looks good. While Income was only 85% of the budgeted income for the year, that was sufficient to easily meet our expenses which still include a budget item for Director of Ministry. If we think of the budget without the Director of Ministry budget item, our contributions are 115% of the budget. In the “expenses” section of the spreadsheet, any “percentage remaining” that is less than 0% is worrisome. It means we’ve overspent what we’ve budgeted for that item. There are three budget areas that are under 0%. Under Plant Operations: supplies – this reflects the purchase of chair racks for $500. Under Operations: Grounds Upkeep – 5 quarters of expenses were included. And under Utilities: Electricity and Water/Sewer – our expenses ran higher than expected, but the committee thinks they will be closer to what we have budgeted for next year. In addition, there are big unknown future expenses that Trustees and Property Committee must prepare for. A final observation of the annual report – some committees continue to not spend their budgets. There are a number of reasons for this and sometimes committee members make purchases and do not seek reimbursement. Stewardship is not making a recommendation on how to manage this. Discussion: Could you clarify the expense category for the Interim Meeting Coordinator where $9K of the $34K budget was not spent? There were some issues and miscommunications, and she did not work as many hours as we thought she might need to. Friend asked about the extent of voluntary contributions Friends make to different program costs that are not reimbursed to them. It is usually for incidental items like coffee and bagels, or other small expenses, but would total less than $1K. Friends asked about the rather steep increase in some of the utility expenses. Why would the electric and water be so high? There were specific issues to explain some of this, such as a hose being left on to water storm damaged trees, a leaking toilet or a possible crack in a water pipe; but a big bump up during one billing cycle can impact monthly charges for a year – causing us to pay for more water than we really use over the course of a year. Marilyn asked for some assistance managing the utility costs, if someone were willing to help. Friend added that we ran fans and dehumidifiers a long time last summer following some large storms. Friends expressed their thanks and appreciation for the fine work Stewardship Committee does in overseeing the budget of the Meeting. Friends APPROVED the Final Fourth Quarter Report for FY 2018-19.
- Nursery Committee Update – Stefanie S.: (Presiding Clerk gave some background saying Meeting had agreed to hire nursery staff.) Nursery Committee was a bit unclear on what they had been asked to do, but they are working on a job description that they will bring to monthly meeting, and they are prepared to handle the hiring process. Today’s report is more of an update. They will talk to Stewardship Committee about the hiring process, using proper forms, etc. and they understand they need to consider background checks. Discussion: Who would directly supervise the paid nursery staff? The Nursery Committee. How much will they be paid? That will be included in their recommendation. Another Friend suggested including in the job description a reference to needing to be available, on occasion, for coverage outside the weekly Sunday morning duties. Friends thanked the Nursery Committee for all they do and greatly appreciate the warm welcoming environment fostered downstairs by the volunteers who work with our young children.
- MFM Mayim Rabim co-hosted concert – Presiding Clerk. There have been discussions between Mayim Rabim and MFM on setting a date for a peace centered concert featuring stringed instruments and a potluck. This was done two years ago, but not last year. Three dates are being considered this year – June 2nd, 9th or 16th. If it takes place on June 2nd, it would overlap with our scheduled after-meeting potluck. It was noted that summer schedule for meeting for worship would be in effect, so potluck would be at 11AM with the concert to follow. Discussion: With the two congregations sharing the event there was concern about how to manage dietary restrictions, but clear labeling should remedy that. Social committee should probably be involved with this, but they have not been contacted, yet. Presiding Clerk said he would notify the clerk of Social Committee and suggest we might need extra people and food. Friends agreed that June 2nd seemed to be the best date for the concert, with consideration for a backup date being either June 9th or the 16th. The 9th is Meeting for Business and the 16th is Father’s Day, but Friends felt we could make it happen on either date, if needed. Clerk will follow-up with Mayim Rabim regarding our discussions.
- Special Thanks: Interim Meeting Coordinator wanted to recognize those who contributed to the success of some Quaker activities this past week. The Northern Yearly Meeting high school retreat met here at MFM with the oversight of Bill H., John K. and Linda C. And special thanks go out to all the people who made it possible for MFM to help sponsor the Quaker Earthcare Witness meeting held at TCFM. This includes those who brought food for potlucks, those who helped with programming, and those who hosted our out-of- town guests. It was a great time of connection. Thank you for making it possible.
- Worship Sharing – Joys and Concerns to include in the State of the Meeting Report. Song to sing at Yearly Meeting “Garden song” comes to mind – inch by inch – this past year we have done a lot of that – children’s program /mid-morning program discussions led by M&C/ Quaker Earthcare Witness – so many committees have been planting seeds and we have been nurturing our spiritual soil here in Meeting – we open ourselves so the rain of grace may come down – feeling joyful about all that we have done this year. A joy and a concern – how we have been able to run meeting without much difficulty when we are still trying to determine how we want to run the meeting – we still seem to be in transition. Friend was pleasantly surprised and pleased that she had been supported by M&C in the pastoral care that she had initiated on her own. It was a joy to have strong support that was informed and patient from interim meeting coordinator. We need her support very much. She had suggested bringing in Paul Buckley to the meeting to speak and provided encouragement and support in making it happen. The Meeting’s spiritual base is getting stronger. Much appreciation for mid-morning programs, Paul Buckley, and Experiment with Light Groups. We have four Light Groups going now. There is a sense that we have this yearning that is conveyed in many ways- not just through Light Groups – that is strengthening our spiritual foundation. We have endured and supported each other through the losses of members of community. And we have rejoiced that some who have been sick or injured have been restored in health to us. Friend, who is teaching most of the year and has to miss meeting for worship, noticed, with much appreciation, the full meeting room during summer worship and found this very comforting. It has been more than one year since Pat retired and Friend felt we need to celebrate that we have made this transition. It is a big event in the life of our Meeting. Quaker Voluntary Service has been supported enthusiastically by MFM. It is going very well. QVS is out in the community doing a lot of work for us and Meeting is doing a lot for QVS. One Friend felt a tension between trying to be inclusive of a lot of people while really trying to get to understand each other in a deeper way, exploring our core beliefs. They greatly appreciated the times this year when, individually, we have shared what we really believe with one another. This has been very meaningful. Another Friend, advancing in age and feeling the weight of any burdens she may be placing on others as her needs for assistance increase, asks us to be truthful in our interactions with her – to let her know if her demands are too much. She asks us to not hesitate to let her know as she contemplates the merits of retiring from Meeting activities she participates in.
- Additional Remarks:
- Clerk appreciates all the support he has received from Meeting during this transition year. Our support and patience have been very meaningful to him, and he asks that we continue to provide feedback to him.
- Linda F. wanted to draw attention to some new “transfer” signs that the city has erected along York Ave, on the west side of the meeting house, where the old “no parking” signs used to stand. On our request, the city replaced the signs for free.
- Meeting adjourned 11:10 AM