Meeting for Business Minutes, March 10, 2019
Minneapolis Friends Meeting
Monthly Meeting for Business
March 10, 2019
Those in Attendance: John Kraft—Presiding Clerk Stephen Snyder—Recording Clerk [Some information and names have been edited for publication on the web.]
1. Silent Worship
2. Requests – Leave time in between each speaker. Take time to let emotions settle and the Light’s message form before speaking. Speak from the Light instead of simply responding to another’s’ message, unless you want to clarify what’s been said. We are seeking a common understanding of what the Light is telling us as a community, not just trying to get our individual point across. Wait for the microphone.
3. Approve Agenda Clerk noted the low attendance and wondered if Friends were comfortable proceeding. Friend noted that any decisions made can be changed at a future meeting of business. Clerk noted a request from Mayim Rabim to be added to the agenda. Agenda was approved.
4. Approve Minutes– Minutes of the February 10, 2019 Meeting for Business were approved.
5. Ministry and Counsel (M&C) Report – Sandy O. At its February meeting M&C considered input from several clerks in response to the suggestion of Social Committee that Meeting experiment with holding only one meeting for worship on the first Sunday of the month—potluck Sunday. The hope is that a single meeting for worship held at 10 am might encourage greater participation in the potluck which would then be held about 11 am. Although the goal of making potluck more easily accessible to all Friends is a worthy one, the M&C did not reach unity on supporting this change at this time. Concerns have been raised about reducing the number of mid-morning programs, causing confusion for visitors about the meeting schedule and how it might impact the first day school programs and attendance. For the past two months, M & C has been experimenting with creating a pastoral care team and a ministry and worship team within the existing structure of M&C. Committee members are now considering the possibility of making pastoral care and ministry and worship two separate committees. This would provide more time to focus on reaching out to persons within the meeting and involving as many persons as possible in our mutual care for each other. During this past year more and more of M&C meeting time has been spent on pastoral care issues leaving less time to foster the spiritual growth and well-being of meeting membership and to deepen and strengthen the fellowship and corporate worship experience of the meeting. As the committee considers restructuring the next step will be to hold a joint meeting with four committees—Care of Un-programmed Meeting, Care of Semi-Programmed Meeting, Death and Memorial and Ministry and Counsel to further explore this proposal. The committee discussed the summer schedule and recommends that it begin May 26th and run through September 8th. There will again be one meeting for worship at 10 am. Worship on the first and third Sundays will be un-programmed. The second and fourth Sundays worship will be semi-programmed. M&C will facilitate the fifth Sunday worship on June 30th. The regular fall schedule will resume on September 15th. Finally, M & C will facilitate a listening session on Saturday May 4th from 1 to 3 pm. This will offer another opportunity for Friends to share their experience of Minneapolis Friends Meeting through worship sharing. What seems to be going well? What could be improved? What adjustments do we need to make to become a more beloved community? Discussion: Friend asked whether the decision on the Social Committee proposal is made by M&C or by all Friends at the meeting for business which he had assumed would be the case. Clerk noted that M&C usually makes recommendations on matters of schedule. Friend noted that the usual Quaker process is to have committees season proposals and bring recommendations to meeting for business. The Assistant Clerk noted that he has attended meetings of several committees and there was not unity about the proposal of the Social Committee. Clerk noted that there are many issues involved in changing the schedule such as how it affects the first day program, mid-morning programs, and maintaining a consistent schedule for newcomers and others. Other Friends noted the value of making the shared meal more accessible to all and suggested that meeting could occasionally have a brunch during the mid-morning program time. Clerk thanked friends for their input.
6. Reports
a. Final 2019-2020 Budget Proposal from the Stewardship and Finance Committee – Marilyn J. The Stewardship and Finance Committee is tasked with preparation of the annual budget. The proposed budget allows for total expenditures of $113,485. Income is projected to be $100,000 leaving a shortfall of $13, 485. However, the expenditures include a contingency fund of $30,000 for ministerial staff which may not be spent. Actual known expenses are more likely to be about $83,000 so the proposed budget should balance out in the end. The committee did increase the contribution to Trustees Building Fund from $6,000 to $8000 to cover likely major expenses such as carpet replacement and a sound system upgrade next year. With the exception of an increase to FNVW, meeting’s contributions to other organizations are staying the same this year, which means, given inflation, that meeting is actually giving them less money. However, these contributions do make up about 14% of the budget which is a greater percentage than in the past. Recommendations for contributions are reviewed about every five years by Peace and Social Concerns so these organizations and amounts can be changed in the future. Also, if the meeting does not make its budget, the Stewardship Committee does adjust downward the recommended contributions to organizations. The proposed budget is one reflection of the work of the meeting. It is gratifying that the meeting is engaged in so many educational, edifying, nurturing, caring, challenging and pragmatic programs and activities to which Friends can all contribute. The committee thanks Friends for their contributions, financial and otherwise. Discussion: Friend wondered why a contingency fund is included when meeting does not have a director of ministry. Does meeting really need to have this much money available? Clerk and others noted that while the bank balance has grown but it is not equivalent to what we were paying the director of ministry, and meeting may face additional expenditures for maintenance and care of the meetinghouse. If meeting agrees to create a ministerial position in the future this money would be available to cover part of the expenses. Friend wondered what happens to the carbon tax fund. This year part of the money ($346.50) will be spent to transport delegates attending the Quaker Earthcare Witness conference to and from Twin Cities and Minneapolis Friends Meetings. Friends approved the proposed budget for 2019-2020.
b. Final Nominating Committee Slate – Annamary H. noted changes made to the report since it was discussed at the February meeting for business. Linda C. has agreed to serve an additional two years as a Trustee. Camp Committee now has members. Connie A. agreed to serve on the Care of Semi-Programmed Committee. Linda F. will clerk the Property Committee. Sigurd H. agreed to serve on the Child Welfare. The committee would still like to see a masculine voice on Mid-Morning Program Committee. It also proposed dropping the Interim designation for Assistant Clerk and making it an ongoing position. Discussion: Friend said he favored keeping the interim designation for the assistant clerk until meeting reaches unity on the meeting structure going forward. Friend suggested changing language in the document to indicate that the Clerk nominates, rather than appoints, members of the Nominating Committee. Friends noted that many people being nominated are re-upping for additional service and wondered if meeting is properly nurturing new members and attenders to serve on committees. Or is meeting trying too much? How do we support people who may want to serve or say “no” to serving on committees? Meeting needs experienced Friends to serve on many committees, but it also needs bring in newer Friends to apprentice and learn how meeting functions. Friends noted that the Nominating Committee worked hard to find new members to serve on committees and feels it has offered a strong roster. Some of the committees, including the Religious Education Committee have members who have not served before. Friend suggested that these questions might be good ones to discuss at the listening session on May 4th. Friend asked and meeting approved a minute of appreciation for David Wooley’s many years of service as the web servant and google administrator. Meeting then approved the report of the Nominating Committee with changes to retain the assistant clerk as an interim position and to note that the presiding clerk nominates rather than appoints members to the Nominating Committee. One Friend indicated they were not in unity with approving the report but did not stand in the way of the meeting moving forward.
c. Camp Committee Update on “Fall Together” – Clifford G. After taking into consideration the discussion at the February meeting for business, the Fall Camp Committee envisions a simpler, perhaps more informal gathering this fall. However, it seeks clarity on whether meeting wants to have fall camp this year. The committee does not feel able to coordinate several different activities in place of the annual camp. The committee has reserved the regional park site for a fall gathering on October 26, 2019 but this can be cancelled if meeting decides not to go ahead. Clerk felt there was unity on holding fall camp and meeting approved planning for a fall camp on October 26th. Discussion: Several persons supported having more opportunities for Friends to gather for fun and fellowship outside Sunday morning for worship. Perhaps meeting could organize a couple of picnics in the local park this summer or schedule an overnight for children around fall camp. Friend noted that it is helpful to have dates for activities well in advance so people can plan on attending. Clerk noted that he heard the concern that meeting find times to be in community with each other outside as well as during worship.
d. Quaker Earthcare Witness (QEW) visit – Carolyn V. Last year, Minneapolis Friends agreed to help host the QEW meeting in April. Most sessions, including a pollinator presentation, will be held at Twin Cities Friends Meeting including Friday night’s potluck and plenary. However, on Saturday participants will be bused to the Minneapolis Friends meetinghouse for a potluck dinner and presentation on Transition Town. Several Minneapolis Friends have agreed to host out of town guests. Now meeting needs help with preparing a potluck dinner on Saturday, April 13. There is a need for hearty vegetarian dishes for 30-40 out of town guests. Please let Carolyn know if you can provide food for the potluck.
7. State of Society Report –Clerk noted that every year meeting prepares a state of society report for Northern Yearly Meeting (NYM). Usually this report is written by 2-3 persons and then considered at the meeting for business in April or May. Clerk asked for volunteers. Stephen S. and John K. volunteered to write the report and Sandy O. agreed to help edit it. Friend noted that part of report might be to compose or choose a song to share with NYM.
8. Request from Northern Yearly Meeting High Schoolers – Clerk The NYM youth coordinator has requested use of meetinghouse for a retreat first weekend in April. Friends are needed to host the event, open the meetinghouse and perhaps stay overnight with the group. John K. and Bill H. volunteered to serve as hosts. Meeting thanked John and Bill and approved hosting the NYM youth retreat.
9. Mayim Rabim Concert proposal The Mayim Rabim congregation has proposed holding another concert at the meetinghouse in cooperation with meeting. Volunteers would be needed to work with Mayim Rabim to organize and host the event and plan the potluck. Barbara Z. , Jim L. and Sigurd H. agreed to help. Meeting approved the proposal.
10. Correspondence Clerk reported that Eugene Oregon Friends Meeting has acknowledged and accepted the transfer of Linda H.’s membership from Minneapolis Friends Meeting. Meeting wishes her well in her new home.
11. Silent Worship and Transition to Semi-Programmed Meeting for Worship at 11:15 am.