Meeting for Business Minutes, December 9, 2018
Minneapolis Friends Meeting
Minutes of Monthly Meeting for Business, December 9, 2018
Those in attendance: John Kraft—Presiding Clerk, Stephen Snyder—Recording Clerk [Some information and names have been edited for publication on the web.]
1. Silent Worship: Clerk opened worship reading the following passage from Iowa Yearly Meeting Conservative Faith and Practice, p. 47:
“Friends conduct meeting for worship with attention to business by a process in which the group prayerfully seeks to be guided by the Holy Spirit to a decision or resolution. We approach issues with a commitment to allow the power of Divine Love to work within ourselves, and faith that, held in that power, we will be led together to Truth.”
2. Approve Agenda: Approved with additions of Updates on new AED defibrillator, History Committee and Library Committee.
3. Approve Minutes: Minutes of the November 11, 2018 Meeting for Business were approved.
4. Ministry and Counsel Report – Ministry and Counsel (M & C) oversees and cares for the worship, spiritual life, and membership of the meeting. The committee is grateful for the many friends who have offered pastoral care this past month in the form of prayer, visits, transportation, raking leaves, cards and phone calls. Friends who find the holidays a difficult time to be alone are encouraged to reach out to Ministry and Counsel or other members and attenders. There are many in meeting who will gladly listen to you and hold you in the Light. The Death and Memorial Committee will be facilitating a memorial service for Nancy Lichtenstein at 1 pm on December 30, 2018. M&C is planning three upcoming Mid-Morning Programs on Paul Buckley’s visit (January 20th), discernment/clearness committees (March 3rd), and Bill Tabor’s “Four Doors to Meeting for Worship.”
5. Memorial Minute for Nancy Lichtenstein Clerk noted that we need someone to prepare a memorial minute for Nancy. Three Friends offered to write the minute.
6. Reports
a. Library Report There was nothing new to report. Clerk expressed appreciation for the work of the librarians and noted how much he values the new books they set out.
b. History Project Clerk noted that research and writing of the history of Meeting has been finished, but there is ongoing work regarding publishing of the work.
c. Nominating Committee The work of nominating people to serve on Meeting committees will begin in earnest after the holidays. Friends are asked to spend time in discernment of where their gifts might be of service to the meeting, and to contact members of the Committee if they are willing to serve on one or more committees in 2019-2020. Terms begin March 1, 2019. The Committee also nominated and Meeting approved the appointment of Rae Beth C. to serve as clerk of the Child Welfare Committee with her term ending March 31, 2020. Discussion: There was lively discussion around the needs and difficulties of finding people to serve on the many committees in Meeting. One Friend indicated her analysis found that all members who are capable of serving are already serving on at least one committee and about 40% of attenders are also serving. Perhaps there is a need to offer guidance to Nominating Committee on which committees need priority. There was some discussion about restructuring and combining committees to reduce the number of positions needing to be filled, but concern that this would not reduce the work needing to be done. There was a suggestion that the Camp and Social Committees could be open committees on which anyone could volunteer to serve. Friend noted that newer attenders may be willing to serve but not be known to members of the Nominating Committee. Friend suggested Meeting hold a “job” fair where friends could learn about opportunities and volunteer to serve on committees. Some friends have mobility problems but might be able to serve if this could be done from home by phone or other means. Another Friend expressed some urgency about finding members to serve on the Religious Education Committee. Meeting identified this as a need some time ago but little seems to be happening. She noted that there are parents new to Meeting who would like to work with more experienced friends on religious education. Clerk asked everyone to talk with friends and make suggestions to Nominating Committee about who might have experience and interest in serving on the Religious Education Committee. Friend commented on the importance of Nominating Committee having time for discernment regarding the gifts of friends to serve. This is an important process and takes prayerful time and effort. Clerk noted he has been struggling to find an additional friend to serve on the Nominating Committee until March 2019. Please talk with the Clerk if you are considering serving on the committee
7. AED Defibrillator Meeting has acquired a new AED designed to be used when someone is in cardiac arrest. It talks the user through the process for using it. There are pads for both adults and children. Using the AED along with CPR are important ways to respond to cardiac arrest situations. The AED will be stored on the wall to the left of the main doors to the meeting room. Friend hopes to set up time for learning more about use of the AED. Another Friend recalled a medical emergency a few years ago that suggested that periodic AED and CPR training would be a good investment for Meeting even at a cost of several hundred dollars.
8. Nursery Committee Update The committee has received a job description for the child care position in the nursery and is considering what additions or changes may be needed and how to best describe the role of the volunteer assistant.
9. Coffee with a Quaker Update Welcoming and Outreach (W&O) is considering the creation of a roster of volunteers to meet with newcomers, listen to their needs and answer questions. W&O would then match requests with volunteers. Friends interested in being a volunteer could sign up following meeting for worship or contact committee members. Discussion: Friend wondered if volunteers could communicate by telephoning a Quaker since some members are not able to drive. Ed explained that the proposal envisioned face to face visits, the value of which was underscored by another friend. Clerk and others noted that we have experienced friends who may not be mobile but could offer their experience and care to newcomers through other means. Newcomers could be asked whether they prefer face to face meetings or phone conversations. Friend endorsed the proposal but for reasons of liability, suggested meetings occur in public places, not private homes. Clerk sensed there was unity around the proposal and suggested that experience may clarify some of the questions raised. Meeting approved the proposal.
10. Transition Next Step(s) Clerk feels the meeting’s leadership structure has stepped in to meet our needs since the director of ministry’s retirement. He wondered if friends are ready for closure and open to using the existing structures to work through issues as they come up. Or is there something from our past that is not closed—unfinished business that is holding us back from moving forward? Discussion: A Friend said it helped him to hear the question phrased this way; that what holds him back are the concerns raised today about the burden on friends trying to meet all the needs with the existing committee structures. He and other friends expressed a lingering concern about whether there is a central point of communication to mobilize people for service, or to respond to needs for spiritual or other care. Meeting may not need a director of ministry but perhaps someone who can serve as a central point for communication. Another friend noted that we have a wonderful point person in the role of Meeting Coordinator, and that most of us know people in or outside Meeting with whom we can speak or reach out to in times of need. Clerk noted that the concern for coordinating communication has been raised several times in the past and may be something meeting needs to work on to be sure it gets adequate attention. Friend indicated he would like to have an ad hoc committee formed to consider what changes in our leadership structure may be needed to move forward. Clerk responded that Ministry and Counsel is planning a special meeting to consider this question. Clerk restated his query: What is holding us back from being fully engaged in the work of community here in the Meeting. Friend noted that there is a lot of expertise in meeting but she is concerned about how to help newcomers learn about Quaker faith and practice. Another felt meeting could do better at providing religious education and would like Meeting to consider a youth program perhaps facilitated by a director of youth ministry. Friend indicated he actively seeks out opportunities for service and invited committees to invite others in to help with the work.
11. Correspondence
a. Request for transfer of membership.
Meeting approved Linda H.’s request for transfer of membership to the Eugene, Oregon Friends Meeting.
b. Thank you from the Quaker Voluntary Service (QVS) national organization The QVS Outreach and Development Coordinator in Atlanta, wrote to thank Minneapolis Friends for their deep discernment, prayerful listening, committee work and financial gifts enabling the local QVS program to get started.
c. Thank you from local QVS volunteers The “first ever” Minneapolis QVS house volunteers wrote to express their deepest and humblest gratitude for Meeting’s support in making this fellowship and service possible.
d. Thank you from Climate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy: Meeting received a letter of thanks for its $100 contribution in support of empowering communities to engage in solutions to climate change.
12. Meeting for Business transitioned to semi-programmed worship at 11:15