Bulletin: November 4, 2018
November 4, 2018
9:00 – 10:00 meeting for worship (unprogrammed): care of meeting, Renae Bonde; John Dunham (mic)
10:15 – 11:00 “Experiment with Light – What did early Friends DO in the silence?” A panel of Friends who have been participating in EwL groups will speak about their experience. New groups are forming in Jan to accommodate any who are interested in this personal spiritual-deepening practice. Facilitated by Diane Barrett.
11:15 – 12:15 meeting for worship (semi-programmed): Jim Lovestar, speaker; Stephen Snyder, musician; care of meeting, Clifford Goltz
You are welcome at the potluck at the rise of semi-programmed worship today! Please come even if you don’t have a “pot” to contribute. To regulars, please look for opportunities to help with this do-it-ourselves event – especially taking up a dishcloth!
Next Sunday at 9:45: worship with attention to business. Come participate in the discernment. On the agenda: Winter Gift recipient nominations and next steps for the Meeting.
Every winter, Minneapolis Meeting takes a special collection, outside the regular budget, to benefit organizations recommended by the Peace and Social Concerns Committee and approved at monthly meeting. P&SC is asking for suggestions for organizations to receive this annual Winter Envelop Gift. Please send your ideas to any of the P&SC Committee members: Ellen, Terry, Jim, Roland, Jeff.
Looking Further Ahead:
– Patricia McKernon Runkle will speak about The Holy Madness of Grief at mid-morning program on Nov 18 and will lead a sharing session based on four queries after a lunch break that afternoon. Patricia, a former member of MFM and current member of Chatham-Summit Meeting in NJ, has recently published Grief’s Compass – Walking the Wilderness with Emily Dickinson. A copy of her book is in the MFM library.
– The Friends for a NonViolent World Holiday Fair will be Dec 7-8. Start (if you haven’t already!) on those crafts and canned goods and plan what baked goods you can offer to the Friendly Café or to sell upstairs. And save time to volunteer at
the event itself! Online sign-up available soon.
– Paul Buckely, Quaker scholar and author, will visit MFM the weekend of Feb 1-3 to offer presentations and lead discussions on his two recent books: Primitive Christianity Revived (a modern translation of Wm Penn’s classic) and Primitive Quakerism Revived. The schedule is being developed but save the dates to take advantage of this tremendous opportunity! Six copies of Primitive Quakerism Revived are available for purchase here ($15 ea); two copies are in the MFM library.
Finish reading Out of the Silence: Quaker Perspectives on Pastoral Care and Counseling and perhaps start on a new title at the Watson reading group Tues, Nov 13th at 7 PM in the conference room. No need to read ahead – we’ll read together! One-timers and regulars – everyone is welcome!
Minneapolis Friends are invited to Winona Friends’ Thanksgiving Inter-visitation Potluck on Sun, Nov. 18, at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Winona: meeting for worship at 10 a.m. with a potluck following; singing likely! The church is on the corner of Lafayette Street and Broadway in Winona. Winona Friends will provide the chicken and trimmings. You may bring foods that are easily transported. There is a kitchen to reheat or warm items if needed.
Opportunities for young friends:
1. High-schoolers – See Scattergood and dance with the Friendly Folk Dancers, Nov 9-11. Meet at Scattergood for dinner Nov 9th by 6:30; head home after worship on Sun with lots of dancing and a Sat evening program in-between. For more, email office@minneapolisfriends.org
2. Middle-schoolers – Northern Yearly Meeting retreat in Eau Claire, after 6 PM, Nov 9 – after 10:30 AM, Nov 11 at Grace Lutheran Church. The theme is building bridges. Program, service activity, out-trip opportunities and lots of relaxed together time. For more, email office@minneapolisfriends.org
3. For both middle and high-schoolers – Our Whole Lives retreat for middle and high school Friends in Chicago, Nov 30-Dec 2. OWL is a highly-esteemed, comprehensive and inclusive sexuality education program developed by the Unitarian and UCC churches. Facilitators are trained IL Yearly Meeting Friends. There will be separate middle school and high school OWL program groups. Arrive as early as 5pm on Fri; the retreat ends after lunch on Sun at Evanston Meeting. Arrangements can be made to pick up/drop off young friends from bus/train stations. Parents/guardians are required to take the OWL orientation beforehand. To register, go to: ilym.org/drupal/MSFriends . Questions ILYM Children’s Religious Ed Coordinator: CRECoor@ilym.org
Pendle Hill’s First Monday Livestreamed Lecture will feature George Lakey “How Direct Action Campaigns Serve Personal and Social Liberation.” TOMORROW, Nov 5th, 6:30pm (central time). Register in advance.
Friends for a Non Violent World for a movie night on Wed, Nov 7th at 7 PM: the documentary 13th followed by a guided and productive conversation. Popcorn, movie, and the space; all you need to bring is your critical lens! If you would like to collaborate on planning future movie nights, contact Sophie at fnvwsophie@gmail.com .
Friends for a NonViolent World’s Alternatives Violence Project (AVP) community workshop Nov 30 – Dec 1. AVP is a series of experiential workshops in nonviolence and conflict resolution – learning and creating by doing, not by lecture, with empowering effect. Fri, Nov 30th, noon-9 PM; Sat, Dec 1st, 8 AM – 9 PM; cost: $150 – more if you can, less if you can’t, no one turned away. Central Midway Bldg, 393 Dunlap St N, St Paul. Register at fnvwsophie@gmail.com / 651-917-0383.
Want to join the Quaker Voluntary Service Fellows on the Sacred Sites Tour, part of Healing MN Stories, led by Jim Bear Jacobs, on Sat, Nov 10, 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM? Limited to 40, email office@minneapolisfriends.org to reserve a spot. More at spinterfaith.org/healing-minnesota-stories/sacred-sites-tour/ .
Quaker Voluntary Service Fellow, Taylor, is working with Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light (MNIPL) to provide energy assessments to businesses and faith communities within Minneapolis. Taylor will help schedule the free assessment and review the resulting report. If organizations decide they wish to act on recommendations for energy efficiency improvements, Taylor can help find financing. MNIPL will also have a youth team trained to help make certain low-cost and no-cost upgrades. The MFM Property Committee has been made aware of this opportunity but if you know of a business that might be interested in participating or youth who might want to join the energy efficiency improvement team, please contact taylor@mnipl.org.
Mayim Rabim’s Sharon Stiefel will teach a class on Chanukah and its origins on Tues, Nov 20, 7 – 8:30 PM here at the meetinghouse. Often Chanukah is explained by focusing on the miracle of the oil and the Maccabee’s victory. Come explore some fascinating other reasons for celebrating Chanukah when we do.
Carolyn VandenDolder, the interim Meeting Coordinator, will be in the office Wednesday through Friday, 10:30-4:00. Phone messages will be checked daily. Bulletin deadline, noon Thur. Bulletin items can be phoned in to the office, emailed to office@minneapolisfriends.org, or written and put in the bulletin file of the blue box.