Bulletin: September 16, 2018
September 16, 2018
9:00 – 10:00 meeting for worship (unprogrammed): care of meeting, Lin Butler
10:15 – 11:00 Sigurd Hoppe: My Experience as a Nazi Youth During World War II. Sigurd will share stories and impressions of his childhood in Nazi German. He was twelve years old at the end of the war.
11:15 – 12:15 meeting for worship (semi-programmed): Joey Giffen-Hunter, speaker; Kate Coon, musician; care of meeting, Judith James; Heidi Flores (mic)
Today is the first day of the school year schedule! Take a moment to celebrate the beginning of first day school by visiting with first day school families and having a treat downstairs at the rise of second worship.
There will be a clerk’s meeting TODAY in the conference room at the rise of second worship.
First Day School parents will gather with Religious Education Coordinators downstairs at the rise of second worship TODAY
Come one, come all, let’s Fall Together! The second annual Minneapolis Friends Fall Together is now only 3 weeks away on Oct 6. Come for fun and refreshment at the lovely and convenient French Regional Park in Plymouth. You can bring your bike or canoe, games, puzzles, and your own favorite mug. Check your email for the handy on-line registration which includes an attachment of the brochure containing all the important details. Please, oh please register today! As of Wednesday, seventeen delightful people have registered. Won’t you join them? We want to know you’re coming! Registrations are due on or before Sunday, September 30th. Any questions? Call Wina. Everyone’s invited!
There remain a few items that would be helpful to the Quaker Voluntary Service Fellows: three bike headlights and rear bike flashers (for the bike-commuters), another set of full-sized sheets; a blender/food processor; an iron. Contact Sonja(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)quakervoluntaryservice.org with offers. THANK YOU!
Every-other Friday, QVS Fellows will have a development day for programming about Quakerism (clerking business meetings, clearness/discernment processes, Friends testimonies and community life) and other topics. Friends are invited to prepare and drop off lunch at the QVS house on those Fridays so the Fellows can make the most of their program time. Are you willing to drop off lunch for eight on Sept 28th, or Oct 12th? Let Sonja know: Sonja(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)quakervoluntaryservice.org.
Madison (WI) Meeting is hosting a Playing in the Light workshop Sept 28-30. Most people need to travel to Pendle Hill to access this highly recommended workshop. Registration deadline is tomorrow: goo.gl/forms/. See posted flyer for more.
Northern Yearly Meeting seeks a middle school program coordinator, starting this autumn. The Coordinator is responsible for leading two retreats during the year and for leading the middle school program at NYM Annual Session. Application review began August 15. See the NYM webiste for the full job description, reimbursement information and how to apply: fgcquaker.org/cloud/northern-yearly-meeting/announcements/seeking-nym-middle-school-coordinator
Quaker Voluntary Service seeks an individual called to provide Spirit-grounded leadership and vision in the executive director role. Significant fundraising and management experience needed. Can be located in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Boston, Portland, OR, or Minneapolis/St. Paul. The full job description and how to apply: quakervoluntaryservice.org/employment-at-qvs .
Northern Yearly Meeting (NYM) Fall Interim Session Oct 19-20, at Twin Cities Meeting (TCFM), 1725 Grand Ave, St. Paul. Sessions run 7-9 PM Fri and 9-5 PM Sat. Come meet NYM Friends and enjoy the life and business of Northern Yearly Meeting. Hospitality coordinated by Laël (TCFM). If you can provide bed/breakfast Fri (and possibly Sat) night(s), or can help with a soup/salad lunch at 12:30 PM on Sat, please contact the office: office(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)minneapolisfriends.org.
Friends General Conference Spiritual Deepening E-Retreats: Silence and Light (for Adult Young Friends), Sept 16-Nov 4; Understanding and Healing White Supremacy October 14 – November 9. Sliding fee $25- $35 pay-as-you-can / are-led. More at fgcquaker.org/deepen/spiritual-deepening/spiritual-deepening-eretreats
Our Whole Lives Retreat for Middle and High Schoolers in Chicago. Illinois Yearly Meeting invites Northern Yearly Meeting youth to participate in a weekend retreat Friday, November 30 – Sunday, December 2nd in Chicago that will present a number of units of the Our Whole Lives curriculum. OWL is a fully comprehensive and inclusive sexuality education program developed by the Unitarians and UCC churches which has been used by many Quaker meetings as well. The NYM High School Clerks will be discussing whether this will be a designated retreat for the coming year. The NYM middle school program will not be using this as one of their retreats, but will schedule around it for those who want to attend. Check out OWL at uua.org/re/owl E-mail questions about the retreat in Chicago to Shel Gross, NYM Children and Youth Committee Convener at yogaman(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)tds.net; 608-250-4368 or Joy Duncan joymargaret916(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)gmail.com .
Do you feel called to travel in ministry among Friends? Friends World Committee for Consultation is accepting applications for the Traveling Ministry Corps until September 30, 2018. See more on the FWCC website under Traveling Ministry Corps.
Every Church a Peace Church potluck and program, 6:30 TOMORROW, Mon, Sept 17th with Steve McKeown (Veterans for Peace) on Reclaiming Armistice Day. Formerly called Armistice Day, Nov 11, 2018 is the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI. Hear why the name was changed to Veterans Day, and why it matters to reclaim what it was intended to be by an Act of Congress, i.e. set aside as a day of Peace. Steve will also discuss the efforts, locally and nationally, to bring this about.
The SW Lakes Community Choir, a non-auditioned, mixed choir has started rehearsals here at the meetinghouse, 7 – 8:30 PM on Thursdays. The fee for the fall/winter session (now – Jan 24, with a break from Nov 22 – Jan 3) is $130. You can still register online at form.jotform.com/kerenprice/communitychoir. Questions? Contact Keren Price (kprice(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)pro-ns.net) .
TODAY IS THE LAST DAY of the exhibit, Forced From Home, an interactive exhibition at The Commons designed to educate the public about the global refugee crisis. One-hour guided tours are led by Drs. Without Borders aid workers.
We Are All Criminals Exhibit is in Mpls until Sept 30 at the Central Library. Author talks, film screenings, and community conversations about race, privilege, the justice system, and censorship. See weareallcriminals.org/events-press/ for more.
OFFICE HOURS Carolyn VandenDolder, the interim Meeting Coordinator, will be in the office Wed, 1-4:30 and Thus and Fri, 10:30-4:00. Phone messages are checked daily. Bulletin deadline, noon Thur.