Meeting for Business Minutes February 11, 2018
9:00-9:45 am Unprogrammed Meeting for Worship
9:45-11:15 am Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business
Linda Coffin—acting Presiding Clerk, Stephen Snyder—Recording Clerk [some names and content have been edited or removed for publication to the web]
1. Gathering Worship
2. Approve January Minutes—Minutes approved.
3. Reports
a. Ministry & Counsel (M&C) Committee report –John Kraft
John thanked all the members of the M&C committee saying it is a great blessing to work with these Friends. The committee continues to focus on coordinating pastoral care. Four different care groups are presently at work. M&C is concerned that there may be Friends with needs not being addressed and encourages them to reach out to the Clerk of M&C or the office. We were reminded that care for one another is a shared opportunity for all members of the community and not just the M&C. Committee members continue to carry a concern for building community among the attenders of the two meetings for worship. One suggestion being considered is to have a social hour once a month during the mid-morning program time where Friends from both meetings for worship might meet for fellowship. The mid-morning program offered by M&C, “On Hallowing Our Diminishments,” was well attended and accompanied by deep sharing. The response indicates there is need for further reflection on this topic.
M&C is working with Welcoming and Outreach to offer the “Introduction to Friends (Quakers)” sessions planned for Sunday afternoons and Tuesday evenings in March 2018. These sessions are intended for newer attenders who want to learn more about Quakers, but also for anyone who wants to share and deepen their understanding of Friends’ faith and process. A mixture of new attenders and experienced Friends will enrich and deepen the session. Childcare will be available. Please see Sandy Olson if you would be willing to volunteer to help lead a session, help with daycare or help prepare the space. The four topics to be discussed during the month include—Quaker worship, Quaker testimonies, Quaker organizational structure and business, and how Quakers express their faith in their work and personal lives. Friends were encouraged to extend a personal invitation to others in and outside Meeting who might be interested in these sessions. Clerk thanked John for the report.
b. Stewardship & Finance Committee– preliminary budget for 2018-2019 –Roland Barrett
Roland went over the preliminary budget for the fiscal year beginning April 1st 2018 ending March 31, 2019. The total proposed budget is $109,399. The Committee was asked to include money for a director of ministry position should Meeting decide it is needed. To meet this contingency the budget includes a half-salary for this position and $5,000 to cover any expenses that might be incurred in a search to fill this position. To provide for the additional responsibilities of the Meeting Coordinator the budget includes money for a salary increase from $22 to$25 per hour and an increase from 22 to 25 hours per week. The line item for the custodian salary was increased by 5% and hours adjusted to reflect actual work this past year. The Trustees building fund was increased by $1,000, but funds for Fall Camp were reduced reflecting its new format. M&C requested that $800 be included to hire a musician and another $1,200 for clerk training should these contingencies arise. The Committee recommended that contributions to organizations be kept the same as in 2017-18. Overall this preliminary budget is $4,207 less than the current budget, but it contains over $30,000 of contingency funds that may not be used for the designated purposes. The budget does not contain money for the Quaker Voluntary Service project. Those funds will be added once that amount becomes known. Discussion: Friend asked about money for clerk training. The line item would enable Meeting to bring in someone to do clerk training to enlarge the pool of potential clerks for the Meeting and its committees. Friend spoke of the value of music at semi-programmed meeting for worship and the difficulty of finding Friends to provide music on a regular basis. Hiring a musician might be an option to continue providing this music. Friend wondered if consideration was given to management of the contingency fund and how to control expenditure of these funds if they accumulate. No contingency fund is proposed. Money is included in line items to meet possible contingencies and, if not spent, Meeting would have to decide on its use. Clerk noted that part of reason for including contingency funds is to be aware of expenses that might come up during the year. Clerk thanked the Stewardship Committee and indicated that no action was needed until the final budget proposal comes before the meeting for business in March.
c. Nominating Committee report –Ed Souther
Ed listed the members of the Committee, noted the number of positions still to be filled and indicated they have more work to be done. A few things have emerged as the Committee has sought out people to serve the Meeting. People care about meeting and want it to be a strong and vital resource in their lives and in the community. The current period of transition is both exciting but also unsettling leading some to question their ability to lead effectively at this time. Nominating Committee recognizes that Meeting is a volunteer-driven organization and the members and attenders have a variety of work and family responsibilities, health concerns and other volunteer interests both inside and outside of Meeting. These are important realities that cannot be ignored in the search for leadership. The Committee recognizes that Meeting needs to provide support for its leadership and suggested that (1) a pool of three former clerks be identified who are willing to serve as resources to the presiding clerk; (2) a training program for potential committee clerks and future presiding clerks would be beneficial; and (3) the position of assistant clerk be continued for at least another year through March 21, 2019 as an additional support for committees and the presiding clerk during this time of transition.
Clerk opened discussion on the first suggestion that a pool of three former clerks be identified to serve as resource to presiding clerk. Discussion: Friend wondered if persons, other than former clerks, who might have clerking skills could be included in the pool. Yes, the Committee might seek others to serve on the pool. As no presiding clerk has been found Friend noted that Meeting may need to be flexible about the term of the clerk. Clerk asked if Meeting was ready to approve the suggestion of forming a pool of former clerks, including others with potential clerking skills, to support the presiding clerk. Meeting Approved.
Clerk opened discussion on the second suggestion that Meeting consider a training program for future presiding and committee clerks. Discussion: Friend noted that Pendle Hill offers periodic training for clerks. Another Friend noted that members and attenders can learn much about clerking by simply paying attention to how clerking is done in this Meeting, at Northern Yearly Meeting and in other venues. Other Friends, including the Clerk, suggested that Nominating Committee partner with Ministry and Counsel to discern what might be needed and bring a recommendation to the meeting for business at the appropriate time. Meeting approved this suggestion.
Clerk brought the third suggestion of extending the position of the assistant clerk through March 31, 2019 before the Meeting. Discussion: Nominating Committee clarified that the current assistant clerk is not able to continue so a new person would need to fill the position. Friends suggested that it would be beneficial for the assistant clerk to attend Ministry and Counsel meetings and serve as an additional resource for the presiding clerk. Others thought it would be helpful to identify and prepare potential clerks ahead of time although life changes that occur during the three year term of the presiding clerk might make this difficult. All members of Meeting share in the responsibility for leadership and can prepare to fill these roles. The Clerk offered a minute to approve extending the position of assistant clerk for one year through March 31, 2019, and to ask the Nominating Committee to go forward in trying to fill this position. Approved. Friends expressed deep felt appreciation for the work of the Nominating Committee and the presence of the Holy Spirit as an ex office member of the Committee.
d. Friends for a NonViolent World (FNVW) Holiday Fair report – Jenn Hamrick The holiday fair went well once again. FNVW is grateful for the partnership with Minneapolis Friends Meeting and the 87 or more volunteers who made this possible. Altogether volunteers contributed about 720 hours to this effort. The gross income was nearly $19,000. Net income was about $10,000 which was a little less than past years. Vendor revenue was down somewhat as a major vendor was unable to come this year. Jenn is putting together a list of items which sell well to help Friends plan for next year and is looking for additional vendors and another farm to provide produce. Planning has already started for the December 7-8, 2018 holiday fair. Clerk thanked Jenn for the report and her presence at Meeting today.
e. Update on community choir use of the building—Sandy Olson
More than 40 persons have expressed interest in the choir. February 22nd will be first gathering of singers. Attenders have been asked to leave their street shoes in the entry and wear slippers in order to protect the floors and keep the building clean. Sandy asked for help in opening the meetinghouse on the weeks when choir meets.
4. New Business
a. Request regarding Northern Yearly Meeting (NYM) Middle School Retreat Northern Yearly Meeting is seeking permission to use the meetinghouse for a middle school retreat preferably on Easter weekend—March 30-April 1st. They are also requesting help from Minneapolis Friends to host the retreat. John Kraft and Allen Gibas volunteered to serve as hosts and will check with others who might be willing to be present during the weekend. Meeting approved hosting the NYM retreat on March 30-April 1 and thanked John and Allen for volunteering to host the weekend.
b. Request to drop membership
Clerk read correspondence from Jach White who is withdrawing his membership from Minneapolis Friends Meeting. He expressed appreciation for the support of Friends during his journey with Meeting. Clerk will correspond with Zach White acknowledging his decision and his membership will be ended.
5. Discussion led by Transition Committee—Evelyn Ronning
Evelyn handed out a summary of information collected over the last few months about the leadership structure of Meeting during the transition. The Transition Committee asks Friends to consider the report and provide feedback on what is missing. Some themes included in the report were:
- Transition is seen as opportunity to see where Meeting is at and to collect new perspectives going forward.
- Transition provides time to have conversation on what is or is not needed for meeting.
- Lots of worry about burnout among many folks and about committee coordination.
- Concern about lack of central authority or source of Quaker guidance.
- Loss of coordination role of the director of ministry (DOM) mentioned more than the spiritual role of the DOM.
- Many expressions of appreciation for Carolyn’s role as Meeting Coordinator.
- Committees and people are stepping up to provide leadership although some responsibilities remain unclear.
- Provides new opportunities for spiritual growth in stepping up. There is transition in a generational sense as well as spiritual sense.
- Concern that Meeting must bring new people and the younger generation into leadership.
The Transition Committee will provide some options for going forward at the March meeting for business following the threshing session February 24th. Clerk apologized for the short time available and thanked Evelyn for her excellent summary.
6. Transitioned into Meeting for Worship at 11:10 am.