Meeting for Business Minutes August 13, 2017
Minneapolis Friends Meeting (MFM) Monthly Meeting for Business
August 13, 2017
10:00 – 11:00 Semi-programmed Meeting for Worship
11:00 – 12:30 Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business
Gathering Worship
Attendees: David Woolley–Presiding Clerk, Stephen Snyder–Recording Clerk, Patricia Jones– Director of Ministry,
Approve July Minutes The minutes were approved with two changes to clarify 1) that Meeting is not transitioning from a pastoral meeting to an unprogrammed meeting and 2) that the Trustees, not the Property Committee, are responsible for entering into maintenance and other contracts.
- Reports
- Director of Ministry report—Pat Jones Pat began by affirming the experience of the gathered meeting for worship earlier in the morning. She also affirmed the wonderful meeting for worship held the day before to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Clifford G. and Jim B.. The vocal ministry was touching, intimate and filled with laughter. It was an experience of shared love and community. She reported that David Woolley attended an event at Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center in Bloomington which was recently bombed. He posted photos on his Facebook page and was asked to post one photo on MFM Facebook page. Pat wondered if Meeting would like to send a letter of support and possibly a donation to this religious community. The Clerk asked for thoughts and after some discussion about process and amounts MEETING APPROVED sending a letter of support to the Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center along with a contribution of $500 from the Meeting. Friends are encouraged to make an additional contribution to Meeting to support this effort. The Clerk will compose and send the letter along with the contribution. Pat said several Friends are helping her put Meeting files in order and in the process have enjoyed finding some treasures from the Meeting’s past. Pat also shared something of her experience as a representative from Northern Yearly Meeting to the Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM) session. She found it a wonderful experience and was surprised to realize how engaged BYM is with Friends United Meeting (FUM) and Friends in Kenya. BYM is in the process of revising its Faith and Practice and is finding it hard to find unity around the use of religious language—a problem facing many meetings today. BYM is also contacting young adults about where they would like to meet and connect with Friends. Meeting for worship may not be the best place for connecting with young friends. Pat shared Meeting’s Vision Statement with a Baltimore Friend who felt BYM was too concerned with “doing” and not concerned enough with “being.” This friend was very impressed with Meeting’s Vision Statement and the Minneapolis Friends Meeting web site. The opportunity to spend an afternoon with Chester McCoy was another highlight of Pat’s trip to BYM.
- Stewardship and Finance Committee Update— Jared Nichols At 19 weeks into the fiscal year, contributions totaled $38,881 for an average of $2,046 per week. This is somewhat under the $2,185 needed weekly to meet our budget. The balance in our checking account is $62,490.
- Ministry and Counsel (M&C) Committee report—Carolyn VandenDolder Ministry and Counsel oversees and cares for the spiritual life of the meeting including meeting for worship, community life and the pastoral needs of the membership. It supports and guides ministry and pastoral care and attends to requests for membership and marriage under the care of the Meeting. It meets monthly on the first Thursday from 7-9 pm. Membership in MFM is required to serve on committee. Scott Chapman, a member of MFM has requested that Meeting complete a form required by the Department of Veteran Affairs providing Meeting’s endorsement as a faith community for him to act as a chaplain with the Veterans Administration. M&C has reviewed this request and is recommending Meeting approve it. MEETING APPROVED this endorsement. M&C has observed that there is a lot of coming and going during meeting for worship which can be distracting for worshippers. The committee encourages Friends to arrive on time and recommends leaving seats near the doors for those who arrive late or need to leave early. The committee asks Friends to be aware of other friends who may not seem included in conversations following meeting and make an effort to include them. Make your conversation group a croissant rather than a donut so everyone can feel included in Meeting. For several months Ministry and Counsel has considered what having greater responsibility for pastoral care might look like. M&C will act as a contact and facilitator for acts of care such as phone calls, outreach and care for the isolated, coordination of occasional meals, company in times of distress, worship in homes and hospitals, coordination of visits during times of illness, arranging occasional rides and formation of clearness committees for marriage, membership and other concerns. Ministry and Counsel Committee will facilitate Meeting education and growth equipping and encouraging members to see the Meeting as a pastoral community where we all care for, support, and nurture each other. Finally, M&C will coordinate with the office and provide our contact information to make sure those with pastoral needs can reach members of the committee. Discussion: Friend encourages meeting attenders to sit near the front of the meeting room during worship to provide a sense of gathered community.
- Liaison & Review (L&R) Committee report on use of sabbatical funds — Ranae Hanson In 2001 meeting started a sabbatical fund for Pat and set aside $2,300 per year for sabbaticals every 7 years. Pat is now due for a sabbatical. She has been preparing meeting for her departure and has not taken vacation time or a sabbatical during these months. Currently there is $30,100 in the sabbatical fund. L&R believes these funds should be used for their original purpose rather than returned to the general fund. Regarding use of the sabbatical funds, L&R recommends that one third of these funds be available to Pat to draw on for one year for purposes of retreat, renewal and psychological counseling following her retirement. one third be available to support Meeting needs during the transition, and one third be kept in reserve for sabbaticals should Meeting decide to hire another director of ministry in the future. Having sabbatical funds in place would be an inducement in the hiring process. Discussion: There was considerable discussion regarding these recommendations. Most Friends seemed in unity regarding the first recommendation to support Pat in her transition. She has been carrying heavy responsibilities and the financial support for times of retreat and renewal would be supportive during this transition. One Friend felt that the sabbatical funds were not intended to aid in transitioning, but were meant to support personal renewal for ongoing staff carrying heavy responsibilities. For future clarity, the money in the sabbatical fund should be returned to the general fund and then Meeting could decide to use some of its general funds to assist Pat in her transition. Other Friends expressed concern about the last two recommendations and suggested that Meeting defer action on these until the specific needs become clearer. A Friend suggested minuting that Meeting approve using one third of the sabbatical funds to assist Pat in her transition and that decisions about use of the remaining funds be made later. MEETING APPROVED THIS MINUTE.
- Nursery Committee Report–Stephanie Shryock Meeting is 33 weeks into the year and there have been children in the nursery for 27 of those weeks. Attendance is growing which is great. However, staffing is voluntary and this has proved limiting a few times during the summer as two persons are needed in the nursery each First Day. Sometimes only Besty S. is present requiring finding a last minute volunteer. This is less a problem during the Fall through Spring months when there are other adults downstairs with the First Day School program. The committee met in August and agreed that every two months a different committee member will be “on-call” in case Betsy cannot be there. This will help divide the workload more evenly rather than having it all fall on Betsy. In addition to Betsy and Stefanie, three new Friends are joining the Nursery Committee—Emily A. and Peter and Katherine W.. The committee is working with Child Welfare to get them approved so they can also assist in the nursery. Getting to know and spend time with the beautiful children and their families who have utilized the nursery has been a blessing for committee members. The nursery staff is grateful for all the gifts they receive from these children. Discussion: A Friend asked if there was any plan to hire nursery staff as Meeting has in the past. The Nursery Committee discussed this but decided it could proceed with volunteers for now. It will be discussed again in November. A Friend noted that the Child Welfare Committee needs help. There are 9 people waiting to be interviewed by the committee. Background checks are proving difficult and confusing. Another Friend noted that a lone person in the nursery is vulnerable if there aren’t at least two designated persons with the children as required by Meeting policy. A Friend asked Meeting to minute recognition and gratitude for Betsy Souther’s uncompensated service in the nursery. APPROVED.
- Semi-programmed Worship Planning Committee annual report–Clifford Goltz The Care of Meeting Committee – Semi-Programmed is a subcommittee of Ministry and Counsel. It plans for the speakers, musicians, microphone carriers, and closers at semi-programmed meeting, exercising discernment as to the Meeting’s spiritual and worship needs and the gifts of members. It also provides speakers and closers with information and guidelines for their service. The current committee members include; Clifford Goltz (clerk), Joanne E., Lolly L., Barbara M., and Judith J.. The committee has appreciated the wonderful support of the director of ministry and the office assistant as well as the musicians, including the new Friendly Voices Choir, who have provided music during the past year. Friends who might be interested in assisting with the music are encouraged to contact committee members. Collaboration with members of the Care of Unprogrammed Meeting Committee has been good and all enjoyed a dinner together at Becketwood to plan the summer worship schedule. The committee has felt somewhat challenged with its workload and would welcome the appointment of another member. It frequently sends out messages asking Friends to serve as closers, microphone carriers or speakers. A prompt (and affirmative) reply to these requests would greatly reduce the workload on committee members. The committee is also seeking guidance from Ministry and Counsel on dealing with health crises, disruptive attenders and friends in distress during meeting for worship. Going forward, the Care of Semi-Programmed Meeting Committee would like to nurture the development and depth of worship by asking speakers to consider using selections from Quaker writings or our Faith and Practice as they prepare to speak at meeting. Discussion: A couple of Friends had a problem with closers or other Friends interrupting speakers or making judgments about what constitutes appropriate ministry. The power of the spirit in meeting for worship is able to absorb occasional unusual ministry. Another Friend indicated that Philadelphia and other meetings have a process for intervening when there is a persistent problem with mental illness or disruptive vocal ministry. A seasoned Friend may sit with the person or even go out with them. Others felt that the care of the spiritual health of Meeting was the responsibility of Ministry and Counsel rather than this committee. Another Friend wondered why the committee moved away from their former name—Worship Planning Committee. Some Friends felt that worship is not planned but is under the leading of the spirit. Others pointed out that much practical planning goes into preparing for semi-programmed worship. The Clerk suggested that the committee take these comments under consideration with Ministry and Counsel.
- Fall Camp Committee report: plans for this fall—Allen Gibas The Fall Camp Committee has reserved a building for the fall camp activities at the Fish Lake Regional Park from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm on Saturday, October 14th. It is working on what kind of programs might be appropriate and is considering having Friends bring bag lunches and perhaps order pizza for supper. Friends are asked to save the date on their calendars. The camp will only be on Saturday, but there are plans to have singing on Sunday morning at Meeting along with the usual First Day program. Dogs are permitted in the park but the owners must stay with their dog, so Friends need to consider whether they want to spend the day with their dog or with other Friends.
- New Business
- Building use request from Northern Yearly Meeting (NYM) youth, Oct 6-8 The Clerk noted that the NYM youth would like to meet at the meetinghouse for a retreat on October 6-8th. Under Meeting policy, a Friend from Meeting needs to open the meetinghouse and act as host. Bill H. volunteered for these tasks and indicated he will stay overnight on both nights. Meeting approved NYM’s request.
- Followup Decisions
- Ad hoc Transition Committee: Assistant Clerk proposal—Jeannette Raymond Jeannette noted that the recording clerk had prepared a summary of the discussion about the assistant clerk proposal from the June and July meetings for business. There seems to be unity on the following points:
- During the interim period, there is a need to provide support for committees and coordinate communication among the committees and clerks in the meeting.
- Given that the clerk already has substantial responsibilities, the transition committee has suggested a temporary position of an assistant clerk.
- There is concern that the position as initially described is too detailed and that the clerk and assistant clerk would need some flexibility to discern how best to meet the needs for coordination and communication.
- The person nominated to be assistant clerk should be a Friend with extensive experience and institutional memory regarding the Meeting.
- This, like other committee and leadership roles, is an unpaid position.
- The meeting is undergoing transition and the role of the assistant clerk will evolve. The sense of the meeting is to proceed in faith and remain open to the leadings of the Spirit.
- The Transition Committee proposed these additional thoughts:
- The assistant clerk is to serve during the interim transitional period. When developing the long-term leadership structure of the meeting, the meeting will consider if this position will be continued.
- There is no assumption that the assistant clerk will become the next clerk of the meeting.
- While the meeting needs all committee clerks to be responsible for communication and coordination, assigning the responsibility to a specific person could serve the meeting.
- With these points in mind, the Transition Committee recommended and MEETING APPROVED the following minute regarding the position of Assistant Clerk: To assist in the transition, the Meeting asks the Nominating Committee to nominate one experienced member of the Meeting to serve as assistant clerk with the following initial responsibilities. 1) Encourage and facilitate communication among the meeting committees and the clerk. The assistant clerk will use discernment in determining when and how often attendance at committee meetings is needed. 2) Calls a meeting of the committee clerks at least once per year for purposes of education and communication. May call additional meetings as the need arises. 3) Assists the clerk of Meeting with other tasks based on mutually agreed need and ability. Discussion: There were a number of clarifying questions asked following adoption of the minute. The Nominating Committee needs to know what the term of service for the assistant clerk would be? The person would initially serve until April 1, 2018. Could part of the assistant clerk’s responsibilities include communication with the administrative assistant? This can be worked out by the clerks. Can Meeting make sure that the responsibilities of the assistant clerk and the administrative assistant are clearly delineated? This seems to be a matter for the Liaison and Review Committee to work out with the administrative assistant and clerk. The Transition Committee sees an expanded role for the administrative assistant and there is no question of undercutting the role of this assistant. Friends noted Carolyn’s many years of gifted service as Meeting’s administrative assistant and encouraged Friends to keep Carolyn in our hearts and prayers.
- Ad hoc Transition Committee: Assistant Clerk proposal—Jeannette Raymond Jeannette noted that the recording clerk had prepared a summary of the discussion about the assistant clerk proposal from the June and July meetings for business. There seems to be unity on the following points:
- Communications Diane Barrett noted that she has been contact with John S. and Mary Jean P. and they need the support and care of Friends as Mary Jean undergoes additional chemotherapy. It is a very hard time for them. Rae Beth Cornelius: Invitations have been sent out for Pat’s retirement celebration. Please RSVP to Rae Beth by phone or e-mail before September 1st (sooner if possible) so the committee can plan for meals.
- Adjournment: The clerk adjourned the meeting for business at about 12:35 pm.
[Note: some names and information have been edited or removed for publication on the web – T Ward, recording clerk]
Ministry and Counsel
Monthly Meeting Report 08/2017
- Intro
- Our Charge: Ministry and Counsel oversees and cares for the worship, spiritual and community life and care of membership of the meeting. Supports and guides ministry/ministers, pastoral care and attends to requests for membership and marriage under the care of the meeting. Meets monthly on the first Thursday, 7 to 9 p.m. Membership in MFM is required. The Presiding Clerk, Director of Ministry, and Recorded Ministers are ex officio members.
- Membership – Heidi F., Nancy H., Annette S., Bill H., Keitha H., Terry K., John K. (clerk), Sandy O., Steve S., Carolyn V.. Ex Officio – Barbara C., Pat J., Gayle M., David W.
- Approval Request
- Scott C., a member of Minneapolis Friends Meeting, has requested the meeting complete a form required by the Department of Veterans Affairs providing our endorsement as a faith community for him to act as a chaplain.
- Ministry and Counsel has reviewed this request and would like to recommend the meeting approve.
- Regarding Worship – We’ve noted there is a lot of coming and going during the meeting. We’d like to encourage Friends to arrive on time. Also, we would like to recommend leaving outside seats available for those who arrive late, And, if folks are going to be leaving early that they sit towards the outside. There will be a notice in the bulletin to this affect.
- Regarding Community – We’d like to remind Friends to notice when folks seem like they might feel like an outsider and make a special effort to expand our circle.
- Current Focus: Preparing for pastoral care during the transition period Ministry and Counsel has considered this topic for several months and have arrived at a plan:
- Ministry and Counsel will act as a contact and facilitator for concerns such as:
- Phone calls
- Outreach and care for the isolated.
- Coordinating occasional meals
- Coordinating occasional rides to worship
- Company in times of distress
- Worship together – in homes, hospital, etc
- Coordinating visits in illness
- Occasional rides related to illness
- Forming clearness committees
- Clearness committees for membership
- Clearness committees for marriage
- Ministry and Counsel will facilitate meeting education and growth regarding the meeting as a pastoral community supporting each other.
- Ministry and Counsel will coordinate with the office and provide our contact information to make sure needs can reach us.
- Ministry and Counsel will act as a contact and facilitator for concerns such as: