April 30, 2017
9:00 AM meeting for worship (unprogrammed): care of meeting, Bill Hendricks
10:15 AM Finding, Following and Sharing Your Leading, III, from Peace and Social Concerns Committee. This one is focused on sharing
11:15 AM meeting for worship (semi-programmed): Annamary Herther, speaker; Sarah Asch, musician; care of meeting, Clifford Goltz
Mid-Morning Program next Sun, May 7th at 10:15: the second session with Ted Bowman on Adaptive Change. The first presentation was well-attended and enthusiastically received. Please make it a priority to attend this second session so we might better constructively, patiently, and lovingly deal with each other in the coming time of change. Coordinated by Ministry and Counsel Committee.
The Welcoming and Outreach Committee is hosting a spring potluck for folks who may have missed participating in the Friendly meals AND anyone else who appreciates food and fellowship. Wed, May 10, 6:30pm, here.
Help lend an added sparkle to summer at the SPRING CLEAN-UP event, May 21, at the rise of semi-programmed worship. Rags and cleaning solutions supplied. Come with your willingness and some elbow grease as we wash windows and tend to other annual tasks. Tackle a window or two before you leave the building to help make the work manageable!
The Meeting library is a valuable resource for all to share. Currently, dozens of items have been checked out for more than a year. Please check your shelves to see if you have any library materials that can be returned so that others may make use them! And check out some of the new titles now available: Fostering Vital Friends Meetings: A Handbook for Working with Quaker Meetings by Jan Green and Marty Walton; Friend: The Story of George Fox and the Quakers by Jane Yolen; Intimacy with God: Real Stories from ‘What Canst Thou Say?’ [a Journal] by various writers; Le Flambeau School of Driving by Peggy Senger Morrison (a plenary speaker at the 2016 Friends General Conference Gathering); Our Life Is Love: The Quaker Spiritual Journey by Marcelle Martin (a workshop leader at the 2016 FGC Gathering); Practicing Compassion by Frank Rogers, Jr.; Resistance and Obedience to God: Memoirs of David Ferris (1707-1779) edited by Martha Paxson Grundy.
Free old Friends Journals are available from the box on the east side pew of the main southside entrance. No need to return.
The memorial service for Don Irish will be held Sat, Aug 5th, 2 – 4:00 pm at Friends School of Minnesota, 1365 Englewood Ave, St. Paul. More information will be published closer to the date.
Northern Yearly Meeting Annual Session is May 26- 29 (Memorial Day weekend) at the Lions Camp in Rosholt, WI. The theme – “Moving Forward: Having Difficult Conversations About Diversity.” TERRIFIC CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING! Brochures and registration forms are on the elevator table and are linked in the May calendar of minneapolisfriends.org . Register by May 1st – late fee applied after.
Northern Yearly Meeting would love to have someone from Minneapolis Meeting on the Nominating Committee! If you are interested or have someone to suggest, contact the office.
Plan a start to your garden at the Friends School Plant Sale, May 12-14! Plant catalogues available; FriendsSchoolPlantSale.com
Friends General Conference Gathering, July 2 – 9 at Niagara University, Niagara Fall, NY registration has begun. Some advance programs are scattered around the meetinghouse. See more at fgcquaker.org/connect/gathering
Friends School of Minnesota is seeking a head of school. Please help spread the word about this position. The leadership opportunity statement (like a job description) can be found at: fsmn.org/employment/head-school. Application deadline is July 8, 2017. Contact headsearch(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)fsmn.org with questions.
Registration has started for summer sessions at Friends School of MN! Programs available for ages 4-14, starting June 14th. See a list of classes on the long table in the east hallway or go to fsmn.org/summer-camp/summer-programs .
Play with other musical F(f)riends (ages 10-18) at Friends Music Camp, musical growth in a caring community, July 9 – Aug 16, Earlham College, Richmond, IN. More at friendsmusiccamp.org
Pendle Hill: register now for Expanding Democracy in an Age of Polarization and Resistance. With the shift in the political landscape has come the possibility for real alternatives to business as usual. Lifelong activists and social change theorists Ricardo Levins Morales and George Lakey with leaders of new dynamic movements will demonstrate how to organize for a deeper and more inclusive democracy. May 11-14; sliding scale fee: pendlehill.org/learn/expanding-democracy-conference .
Friends World Committee for Consultation, Section of the Americas, is organizing a volunteer corps of Spanish- and English-speaking Friends to send as traveling ministers throughout the Section, crossing Yearly Meeting lines and other divisions among Friends. FWCC seeks Friends who express concerns that are deeply rooted in the Spirit and who can transcend differences and division to seek broader unity in the Light. FWCC will provide training, support, and accountability for those Friends who are chosen to travel in this ministry. Funding is available to support the travel expenses of the traveling ministry corps members. First round applications due by Sept 30. More at travelingministry(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)fwccamericas.org. Monthly and Yearly Meetings in the Americas can request a traveling ministry visit.
Barbara and Renae are singing in the Twin Cities Women’s Choir Divas and Dessert concert this week. Tickets still available for Thurs and Fri, May 4th and 5th, 7:30 PM performances. More at twincitieswomenschoir.org .
MN Holistic Nurses Association (of which Ellen is a member) offers A Holistic Look at the Social Stigma of Mental Illness and Chemical Dependency, Sat, May 6, 2017, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm at St. Catherine University. Explore what stigma is, how being the target of stigma affects the person and family, and how stigma alienates those who try to help. Learn ways to change your own perceptions and compassionately educate others. More at minnhna.org. or ask Ellen.
OFFICE HOURS: Pat Jones will be in the office Wed. from 2:00-5:00 and other times Wed, Thurs, Fri. and Sat. Carolyn VandenDolder, the Administrative Assistant, will be in Wed, Thurs, and Fri. afternoons. Bulletin deadline, noon Thur.