Bulletin: October 23, 2016
October 23, 2016
9:00 AM Meeting for worship (unprogrammed): care of meeting, Tom Hoey
10:15 AM Time, Talent and Treasure: led by Roland Barrett and Jeannette Raymond. What we can all bring to the Meeting and our various types of contributions. Varied format, including an exercise.
11:15 AM Meeting for worship (semi-programmed): Mary Jean Port, speaker; Dave Bostrom, musician; Clifford Goltz, care of meeting,
Shadows are falling and I been here all day
It’s too hot to sleep and time is running away
Feels like my soul has turned into steel
I’ve still got the scars that the sun didn’t let me heal
There’s not even room enough to be anywhere
It’s not dark yet, but it’s getting there
From “Not Dark Yet,” by Bob Dylan
The use of microphones in worship enables vocal ministry to be heard and held by all present. If you feel prompted to offer vocal ministry, please stand, as able, and wait for a microphone before you speak so we may all hear your words.
The Doctrine of Discovery will be shown this Weds, Oct 26th, 7 p.m, at the meetinghouse. The documentary tells the story of how little-known Vatican documents of the 15th century resulted in a tragic global momentum of domination and dehumanization, leading to law systems in the U.S. and Canada that are being used against Original Nations and Peoples to this day. Discussion and refreshments will follow. (Contains graphic portrayals of genocide)To see a trailer of the film, go to youtube.com/watch?v=G1VrzoaLahs There will be no charge and you are encouraged to bring guests/invite others.
Quaker Voluntary Service is considering having a site in the Twin Cities. Next weekend, a group from QVS will be visiting the area – meeting with the local planning group, visiting area Quaker organizations, and meeting local Friends
* There are two potlucks planned during this visit:. Friday, Oct 28th, at 6:15, there will be a potluck hosted by Prospect Hill Meeting at Twin Cities Friends Meeting, (1725 Grand Ave in St. Paul.) RSVP to Dan Madsen (dmadsen05(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)gmail.com). And next Sunday, Sunday, Oct 30th, at 12:30, there will be a potluck here at Minneapolis Meeting
*Next Sunday at 10:15: Quaker Voluntary Service. Come hear visitors from QVS speak about the program, take the opportunity to ask questions, and catch the enthusiasm for what we can offer young people as they discover themselves and their place in the world. The potluck following second worship next Sun will offer a chance to carry the discussion further. Of course, please bring plenty of food as WE are the ones hosting!
Loaves and Fishes on Halloween – Mon, Oct 31st – is the next opportunity for Mpls Meeting Friends to help serve dinner to the people of the Phillips neighborhood at Holy Rosary Church, 2424 18th Av. S. Please help if you have a few hours between 1:30pm and 7pm that day. Costumes welcome! Volunteers sign up for shifts: chopping veggies or prepping dessert fruit 1:30‑4:30pm; serving food 4:45‑ 6:30pm; clean up 5:30‑7pm. Fresh fruit donations for dessert are needed, too. Sign up sheet is on the bulletin table.
There will be four more opportunities in the next couple of months to experience the Experiment with Light meditation based on early Friends experiences in the silence and introduced by Rex Ambler to contemporary Friends. Two Wed. evenings, Nov. 2nd and Dec. 7th, starting at 7PM at the Meetinghouse; and two Sat. afternoons, Nov. 12th and Dec. 10th, starting at 1:30 PM at the Meetinghouse. At that point it’s hoped that two on-going groups will form. The groups will then be closed to new members for six months, with an opportunity for new members to join during the summer. Interested? Curious? Have questions? Contact Diane Barrett at 612.729.3952 dpbarrett(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)baireid.com
Earlham School of Religion will host the Ministry of Writing Colloquium Nov. 4-5. Explore the theme, Eye of the Beholder, through workshops and topics such as: spiritual memoir; using collage techniques to transform life’s fragments into literary art; re-imagining scripture with the rabbis; choosing your literary ancestors; appealing to editors (and what the editorial process can teach us about the spiritual life). More at: esr.earlham.edu/news-events/events/writers16#
Friends for a NonViolent World is cosponsoring a SYRIAN REFUGEE FORUM & FUNDRAISER Sun., Nov. 6, 3 pm at Living Table UCC at 3805 E. 40th St. Benefit proceeds to the Syrian American Medical Society, which is providing medical aid to Syrians in refugee camps and inside Syria. Syrian American doctors and local nurses will speak about their experiences on SAMS medical missions.. 3 pm – Silent Auction. 3:45 – Program.
Friends Committee on National Legislation Annual Meeting and Lobby Day: Join FCNL in Washington, DC Nov 10-13 for the Annual Meeting and Lobby Day. Come participate in this Spirit-led work of setting our legislative priorities for the next Congress, fellowship, and worship. Registration is now open at fcnl.org/annualmeeting. Doug Herron is going!
Tips for healing the Mississippi: use de-icing salt sparingly and wisely (1 teaspoon of salt is enough to permanently pollute 5 gallons of water!); don’t flush medications; rake up, sweep up, pick up! If it’s in the street, it’s in our streams; keep rain where it falls through rain gardens, rain barrels and perennial vegetation; set your lawn mower to high and leave grass clippings on the lawn; adopt your storm drain and keep it free of leaves and trash; pick up after your pet.
World Population Balance is hosting a potluck dinner, here, this Sat, Oct 29, at 6:00. Come meet the new Executive Director, explore ways to further overpopulation awareness and resolve to act, and rub shoulders with others who understand that overpopulation is the root cause of many contemporary problems. RSVPs appreciated: office(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)worldpopulationbalance.org
Years of Living Dangerously season 2 will begin Sunday, Oct 30, 7 pm on the National Geographic channel. Then it will move to its regular slot of Weds at 9 pm, starting Nov. 2.
Pat Jones’ work week is Wed-Sun. She will be in the office Wed. from 2-5 and other times Wed, Thurs, Fri. and Sat.
Carolyn VandenDolder, the Administrative Assistant, will be in Wed and Thurs afternoons. Bulletin deadline, noon Thur. Bulletin items can be phoned in to the office, emailed, or written and put in the bulletin file of the blue box.