Bulletin: June 14, 2015
June 14, 2015
10:00 am meeting for worship (semi-programmed): Joanne Esser, speaker; Dave Bostrom, musician; care of meeting, Jeannette Raymond and Annamary Herther
11:00 am worship with attention to business: David Woolley, clerk; Terry Hokenson, acting recording clerk
“This is a vocation just as truly as some more obviously seen as such – the vocation of ordinary men and women called to continual, unspectacular acts of loving kindness in the ordinary setting of every day… How simple it sounds; how difficult it often is; how possible it may become by the grace of God.”
– Clifford Haigh, Quaker Faith and Practice, Britain Yearly Meeting
Child care today is in the lower level with Susie Kanemitsu. Today is the last day that Susie will serve as the paid nursery care provider. Sign the card for Susie and stay after business meeting to enjoy coffee, snacks and thank her in person. Susie has tended the nursery and Meeting’s youngest children for eleven years. Thank you Susie!
Friends should be mindful of the presence of young people who might be joining us in worship in the summer months. Pray for vocal ministry that might be meaningful to them, and be sensitive to the inappropriate nature of some subjects.
Throughout June there is an informal group meeting at 9 AM for Quaker education and discussion at the picnic table, or at Turtle Bread in event of rain. QuakerSpeak videos, Quaker Pastoral Care newsletters and other brief starting points will be provided. Today, the topic is A life beyond fear and guilt. See the Quaker Speak video: youtube.com/watch?v=Qqu6cbQYZmU
Jack and the family and friends of Mary Phillips. Mary died June 5th. A memorial service will be held at Twin Cities Friends Meeting on June 20th at 2:30.
Come to the Meeting welcome of Roland on June 21st, 11:15. Roland was recently accepted into membership
Robert and Gwen are being married under the care of the Meeting next Saturday, June 20, 4:30 PM. Please come! All in a Friends Meeting are encouraged to be at the called meeting for worship during which a wedding takes place.
The Peace and Social Concerns Committee will meet this Wed, June 17th, at 7:00 and regularly on the third Wed night of the month. These meetings are open to anyone interested in attending. You are most welcome!
Join the informal group gathering at 9 AM for Quaker education and discussion at the picnic table, or at Turtle Bread in event of rain, during the month of June. Suggestions for topics – contact Elizabeth. Next Sun, June 21st: American Friends Service Committee’s Questions to consider when acting on justice and prison issues: afsc.org/document/questions-consider-when-taking-action-justice-issues
The use of the microphone in meeting for worship enables vocal ministry to be heard and held by all present. Microphone carriers are needed for a number of worship times later this summer. Please consider offering this simple, limited-in-scope but very important service to the Meeting. Sign-up on the yellow sheet on the bulletin table.
Semi-Programmed Worship Planning Committee arranges planned speakers for semi-programmed worship. Has something been laid on your heart that you feel led to share in a prepared way? Explore the possibility of being a planned speaker by contacting someone on Worship Planning Committee: Clifford, Joanne, Lolly, or Sarah.
Sharon and Betsy invite MFM Friends to join them in a worship to celebrate their legal marriage June 27th, 2 pm, Cannon Valley Friends Meetinghouse, 512 Washington St. Northfield. Reception to follow at their house. RSVP for worship and/or reception.
Lunch Bunch will meet Wed, June 24th at 11:30 at Presbyterian Homes, 10030 Newton Ave So, Bloomington. RSVP to Louise by Tues, June 23rd. If you are available in the middle of the day, consider coming! It is a great opportunity to deepen relationships with and bring news to those not able to come to worship every Sunday.
Plan to work with other area Friends to prepare, serve and clean-up a meal for our Philips neighborhood neighbors through Loaves and Fishes, Monday, June 29th at Holy Rosary Church in south Minneapolis. Sign up sheets soon.
Offering boxes are located on small tables near the meetingroom doors. Please give as you are able. Copies of the Meeting’s 2015-16 budget are available on the table in the long hall.
Today, June 14, Prospect Hill Meeting is having a program on Quaker Voluntary Service, facilitated by Cynthia Bartoo. Worship at 4:00 pm, program at 5:00 pm, potluck follows. at Twin Cities Friends Mtg, 1725 Grand Ave. All Friends welcome!
Anna Fritz, a Quaker cellist and folksinger, will perform on Sat, June 27th at 7:00 pm at Twin Cities Friends Meeting. Anna is from Multnomah Meeting in Portland and will share her musical ministry, performing original songs for cello and voice. Themes of gender, justice, spirit, and connection to the natural world. Hear samples at annafritz.com. Anna’s tour of Friends Meetings is partially supported by a grant from the Pickett Endowment for Quaker Leadership.
Friends General Conference (FGC) Gathering, this July 5-July 11, at Western Carolina Univ. in the Smoky Mts. From Sue: Do you know the extraordinary beauty of North Carolina where the conference will take place? I just returned from the mountains there and I can tell you they’re well worth the time and travel to visit.” Majestic, tranquil, glorious.
John (of MFM) is appearing in the Guthrie Theater production of Music Man, running June 20 – August 23.
National Climate Mobilization Day is TODAY. There will be an event here 4-5:30 pm for those who want to discuss, consider, or promote a WWII – scale national social and economic mobilization to restore a climate that is safe, stable, and supportive of human civilization. For more and to register, see theclimatemobilization.org or Pat or Ranae.
Clean energy and sustainability are the themes at the Midwest Renewable Energy Association Energy Fair, June 19-21. Mary Ann Crolley and Charley Underwood attest to the exciting and energizing effects of the fair. Amy Goodman is one of the keynote speakers, and over 200 workshops are offered on a vast range of topics. Admission for the weekend is $35 at the gate, $26 before June 5th. Held near Steven’s Point. With over 15,000 people attending, finding a place to sleep can be difficult. FFI: visit www.midwestrenew.org/energyfair .
Pat Jones’ work week is Wed-Sun. She will be in the office Wed. from 2:00-5:00 and other times Wed, Thurs, Fri. and Sat.
Carolyn VandenDolder, the Administrative Assistant, will be in Wed. afternoon and Fri. Bulletin deadline, noon Thur. Bulletin items can be phoned in to the office, emailed or written and put in the bulletin file of the blue box.